January 29, 2003 by

fats waller strikes it in memoriam


Categories: General

so recently (a week or two ago or something) i got a double cat scratch on my left arm from the fats waller. (he didn’t mean it, really.) instead of immediately cleaning out the bleeding wounds i just kind of watched them for a while. a couple days later one of them was kind of infected. at no point had i really scrubbed with soap or used any type of antibacterial disinfectant. and now it’s a noticeable scar.

the thing is. i did this ON PURPOSE.

i have no idea why i suddenly decided that body mutilation and the risk of horrible infections was ok. i mean, sure i have 3 tattoos now but at least i kept them clean during the healing process. not bothering to wash the injured area except during vague early morning bathing ministrations indicates a bizarre lack of respect to self-body-image. but my thought process at the time went along the lines of, “hmm maybe that would look kind of cool next to the tattoo for cat right there. fitting anyway.” i think there’s something wrong with me.

i have another one from jesus christo on my other hand now and even though i have washed it, it’s still vaguely infected and puffing up in scar form. heh.

4 Responses to fats waller strikes it in memoriam

  1. gene

    Jesus fucking god I love cats. I fucking wish I had a cat or 10. My life has been so empty without these vermin around to fucking damage my body. I have totally missed out on the joy of pet ownership that everyone else around these parts is ape shit over. I’m going to leave now and head to the pound. I’ll be back later.

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