February 4, 2003 by



Categories: General

so last night i had some strange dreams. at one point i was sitting in the front yard with sean talking when all of a sudden he decided to create an archaeological dig and discover an ancient aztec temple. underneath my lawn. who knew my house was resting on a big hollowed out, hallow halls sacred-ness. certainly not me. sean seemed to know though. and then we were going out to eat with 2 people i didn’t know and right when i was being introduced to them, kristen called on my cell phone and i had to answer it so i excused myself and started walking towards this set of glass doors at one end, and right when i’m almost there this voice calls my name and kristen on the other end goes really silent and i turn around to see kenny galumphing towards me. with the hair still. but in non-black clothes. it was frightening, mainly the blue and white striped shirt. and i said to kris, “uhh i’ll have to call you back.” and hung up on her. kenny was immediately suspicious that it had been kristen and i made elaborate lies about how it was nuala and then escaped back to the table where sean and the two strange boys were.

and that’s really all i remember. most peculiar.

so as most of you know or have read about already, my cousin john is getting married to a lovely girl named katherine this summer. and she made a webpage for it! fun! so you should all go and see it: John and Katherine’s page of LUV. it’s really cute. although my computer here at work isn’t letting me see the picture of them at the top, hopefully you all will be able to. there’s a password to get access to the guestbook which you don’t really need cause you don’t know them and have no reason to comment there. so nuts to you on that point. i on the other hand did comment. and did so before realizing that it was a serious guest book and not a flippant one. i was very ashamed of myself after that. and speaking of my cousins, what the hell happened to james the sporadic commenter? he’s apparently too busy going on dates. hwee. go james go james get your groove on. i’m going to shut up now.

i have a semi-annual review today before my 6 month probationary period is up at this job. so i’ll let you know if i still have a job at the end of the day or if somehow i’ve managed to get myself fired or just out of sheer spite went and quit. fucking berkeley.

4 Responses to azteca!

  1. michele

    so i did not get fired. i did get told to dress more professionally. which is understandable, don’t get me wrong. and i got informed that they’re going to heap hell of more work on me since i’m the only one who actually works here anymore. and that i’m not getting a raise. and that i apparently don’t deserve a raise based on the universtiy ranking system. which fucking pisses me off so much since kristen gets raises all the time for absolutely no reason and having nothing to do with the template.

    why do i continue working here? why am i so complacent? i need to just fucking quit and get it over with. she (being the boss) called me “rabid timid.” which i believe is actually a bad thing. like being shy but in a very angry stubborn way.

  2. Nuala

    They suck ass. You quit and then I’ll quit. It’ll be fun. Actually I have to wait to get my wisdom teeth out…then I’ll quit.

    And what’s this crap about not deserving a raise even though they are going to heap more work on you. Stupid morons.

  3. michele

    apparently because the level at which i perform all the work they give me to do is only at A1 or A2 and not A3. bullshit! urgh. i hate berkeley. dood. you know i can’t continue working here once you quit. who would i carpool with? when are you quitting? can we quit soon?

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