February 4, 2003 by



Categories: General

ahem. just in case anyone needs any additional gift ideas for me for THIS SATURDAY.

X – TV Series

Kenshin entire on dvd

and if those two get bought, the guy has multiple other ones for sale, so you can find another copy of either of the above.

chobits (search dvd chobits if this one gets all bought up.)

then there’s my amazon wish list, (link to the right). i think this is funny cause there’s no way any of you will buy me any of these, though jacob might be briefly tempted to buy all of kenshin on dvd himself. and kim and jolie already got me presents. and probably everyone else is already on top of it. or something. (did i suddenly strike a nerve i wonder? are none of you really on top of it? are all of you hoping to let it slide right on by this delicious oppurtunity to throw six years till thirty in my face? threatening lowring brow but with incipient tears probability, “you haven’t forgotten my birthday is this saturday, right?” how could you what with the surprise party already? dried up tears, affable laugh. ha silly me. sooooo who wants to go to 26 mix and affect some maniac dancing moves on saturday night?)

10 Responses to presents

  1. michele

    shit dood! i’m so sorry! and i LOVE my present from you. it is GOREOUS and so SOFT and PINK! sorry sorry sorry!

    26mix, Saturday night, no cover before 10pm. so probably like 9:50.

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