February 5, 2003 by



Categories: General

apparently the japanese word for minutes is both fun and pun, (depending on what minute it is) eight minutes for example is happun. mind you, it’s not pronounced like fun. it’s pronounced like foon. the point is that there has to be a good joke in there. something about time flying when you’re having fun. or poontang. but after 45 minutes of desultorily considering it last night in class, all i came up with was that i was fucking tired and time was moving really slowly and no i do not want to count down hours one more time, you bad bad japanese teaching man. let me go! let me go!

10 Responses to “minutes”

  1. michele

    oh like the fun that a monkey has!…with it’s poon? eee gross! they pick and eat each other’s lice too you know. hmm yes. monkeys. nature channel. and dude where’s my car. very informative on monkeys that movie.

    foon poon foon poon

  2. tracy

    You’ve never heard this response to this question?

    Q: What time is it?

    A: Half past a mokeys ass and a quarter to it’s balls.

    I was incorporating your Japanese time thingies with an American time joke.

    Ah, jeez. I’m SO not funny.

  3. michele

    ha ha ha! i don’t think it’s a question of you not being funny so much as it’s a question of me not having heard that. i’ve only heard the tame grammar school playground version of:

    “what time is it?”

    “freckle past a hair and time to get your own fucking watch, you pansy-ass little sissy-boy-shit-for brains who can’t even add 2 plus 2.”

  4. tracy

    a freckle past a hair and time to get your own fucking watch, you pansy-ass little sissy-boy-shit for brains who can’t even add poon plus foon.

    i’m reaching.

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