February 11, 2003 by

ho ho ho


Categories: General

looks like ups has a new cock of the walk to replace pierce.


in addition, someone from langlow appears to be occasionally coming to check out our webpages. if you go to the statistics pages you can see that one of the IP addresses is langlow1.ups.edu s/he was at mine in january and now more recently this month has been to visit three quarters

this troubles me. well. not troubles so much as intrigues. who are you langloid? why don’t you comment?

14 Responses to ho ho ho

  1. jason

    What? A Langolier spying on us? I don’t like it one bit. What do they want? That’s so wierd, but I guess we’ve probably mentioned Langlow at some point or another. But I can’t imagine somebody living in Langlow actually looking it up on the internet. That’s so sad.

  2. jason

    This man on the ups website, on the other hand, is not sad. He is Grade A Super Special Prime Beef. That’s his actual title on campus. It’s one of the things you can study as a student affairs major.

  3. Jolie

    LOL, it certainly is Jason. In fact, I believe that one of the first corses listed for the Maryland program is “How to become a Student Affairs Stud Muffin.”

  4. Jolie

    Ok… so this has nothing to do with the new prez. But I have to share in an immediate forum. Just now, I was writing an e-mail to Jason and I heard the typical Potrero screeeechCRASH. Do I get up to look? No. I’m used to it by now. However, after about 5 minutes the sirens were making such a commotion that I had to take a peek. And I THINK… I can’t really see clearly from here… but I swear to jebus that is looks like someone drove into Papa Potreros! Right through the double doors. Potrero is absolute chaos. People are turning around in the middle of the street all OVER the place. Ah, living in the city. It’s a daily adventure.

  5. jason

    Wait, that’s the new president? I thought it was just some sexy son of a bitch that they put in the view books to make it more appealing, like when put in pictures from the only sunny day all year. He’s like a sunny day.

    What the hell happened to Susan R. Pierce?

  6. Jolie

    Ok, I just thought I would confirm that a truck did, indeed, run into Papa Potrero’s. Unfortunately, it also hit several pedestrians who were waiting on the corner and pinned a four-year-old girl between it and the wall, killing her instantly. So that’s what happend.

  7. Jolie

    Yeah… it’s weird when things actually affect people in such a big city. The news ppl were on the corner until about midnight. And the corner has turned into a vigil site…flowers, teddy bears, candles, etc. The neighborhood is pretty upset.

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