February 11, 2003 by



Categories: General

once i broke into c. miller’s car. which was actually not locked so it wasn’t a big deal. and it was sitting in front of my house at the time so i didn’t feel too burglerish. however looking back now i do feel like a huge dork. because what was i doing in his car? i was attempting to cast a love spell using roses and incantation charms. oh yes. you think i’m lying. but really, really not. i was even dressed up in a new age-y caftan. and then i did a little dance under the moon paying special attention to feeling the new spring growth coming out of the dirt between my bare toes in order to properly infuse the spell with earth fertility magic.

i thought of this last night when i was trying to fall asleep and i could smell the dirt outside my window and it smelled so fresh and all waking up from winter and wet and happy mulching. and i missed, all of a sudden, the stupid things i used to do and all those books i used to own.

my point here is: valentine’s is coming up and you’d all better keep an eye on your cars. if you find anything in the glove compartment–dried petals, mouse bones, razor blades, i’m not saying that it’s not possible that i double negative might not have had a hand in it.


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