February 13, 2003 by

you can keep your terrible weather, perverted killers, and spotted dick


Categories: General

i find it vaguely amusing how i’m running out of things to say. i mean sometimes there’s action and drama! and then other times i’m at a complete loss so i dredge up embarressing middle school stories or something. and that’s just plain stupid. why do i feel this driving compunction to post once a day even when i have absolute shit to say? weblogs are tricky things, my friends. full of tribulation and the beating of the women. i’m coming up on having been blogging for a year soon. and that’s a long time. not as long as some people have been doing it (ian) but still.

last night i went on a “date” with the cockless-tease-wonder. but honestly i am over that and really very happy for how happy she is with her living with the boyfriend and getting a puppy and rushing home to the “family” to see how the new baby is doing. it’s all very cute.

there’s this thing like the aidswalk only it’s a hip-hop party which involves no walking. is anyone interested? it could be fun. Move Against Aids.

5 Responses to you can keep your terrible weather, perverted killers, and spotted dick

  1. Jolie

    Well… I’m not ablt to go to the website right now to see the details (such as date and time), but it sounds kickass! I like the AIDS walk…and adding hiphop ALWAYS makes things better.

  2. michele

    the thing about the hip hop is that you have to raise $85 in donations in order to get to go to the party which btw is on May 10th so you’ve got some time to finangle $85 out of people. and it’s at the bill graham civic auditorium in SF which is AWESOME.

  3. Jolie

    Hmmmm. $85 worth of bugging people for money. I’m not sure about that. Good cause or not, I have trouble with bothering people for that type of business. I’m cool with raising awareness. But I like to let people open their pockets on their own. =(

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