February 15, 2003 by



Categories: General

i got a couch! the couch is here! it was so great. i had to get up at 9:30 cause my mom was going to be gone and they were supposed to be bringing it between 9:30 and 12:30. of course they came after my mom got back and i hid in the kitchen the entire time the mover men were here out of sheer fright. so thank god they didn’t come while i was alone in the house as i am obviously not equipped to deal with strangers. even strangers that bring me gorgeous huge new couches. it’s so big! in the store it was all lived in and squishy from all the potential buyers who have sat in it. this one though is an great big fluff ball of a couch that’s all bulging and jumpable. which is what i’ve been doing all day so far. and i took some pictures so that those of you who will never come to my house can see what a beautiful piece of furniture i now own. (kristen: own! nwo! now! won!) (ps there’s this one picture where you can see the tv. i am not watching porn i swear.) jump-o! new couch i love you!


6 Responses to couch!!

  1. michele

    so far i have seen no one naked in this anime and i’ve watched approx six hours of it already. (which means i still have about 6 left to go and someone might be naked before the end.) but which also i think qualifies it as not porn. although there was this whole thing about how the female people shaped computers needed to be turned on by inserting one’s finger in the vagina. i question how the males get “turned on”? pull the other, OTHER leg, stan. who am i kidding? it’s totally porn. which reminds me of that time erica and jenny forced me to let them watch the hermaphodite porn. why do i even own that shit? why am i writing a comment the size of a post at quarter to midnite?

    p.s. marina: foie gras i think.

  2. danielle

    Neato…couches are always fun, especially when they’re new. Good luck err…breaking it in or whatever it is when that you do when you get new furniture.

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