February 24, 2003 by

i mock you, codeine challenged.


Categories: General

once again i have triumphed against my personal nemesis: the doctor. and what have i come away with? oh YES. a prescription for codeine flavored cough syrup. it does not GET any better than this, my ineffectual little friends who have no codeine. and how did i get said nectar of the gods? sniveling. yes. i pleaded. i complained about lack of sleep. and constant coughing. tied it all in to the depression of having pink colored eyes and how i wasn’t sure if it was worth it go on living without something to numb the pain. and from all this hard work i was rewarded with ample gifts.

1) eyedrops to make the evil pink eye go away.

2) codeine to brighten up the darkest cough filled night.

and 3) antibiotics.

because apparently what i actually have is acute bronchitis. acute fucking bronchitis. this is bullshit! how the fuck did i get so sick? why must i whinge about it day in and day out to all of you uncaring healthy bastards? i didn’t really get the codeine on my own tactics enhanced merit. oh nooooo, it was cause she listened to my chest and said, “holy hot damn, girl. it’s a wonder you’re still ambulatory under your own steam.”

and now i face the truly perplexing situation of HOW TO GET MY HANDS ON THE DRUGS? i’ve never had to go to the pharmacy before. and mom won’t be home till 4. and i really am just not sure how to proceed here. so most likely what will happen is i will go into the fun room and watch more atrocious movies. although never again will i sink as low as i did yesterday and watch something of the likes of “the master of disguise.” fuck me. that was bad. eventually mom will come home. and then the codeine will be mine, all mine.


it’s kind of like how i am with the sweet potatos and the spatula and your face. only in this situation it’s the codeine and a spoon and still your face bearing the brunt of the silver beating. oh yes. mine all mine.

i am NOT a drug addict. i am not a drug addict.

11 Responses to i mock you, codeine challenged.

  1. Nuala

    you’re welcome. I’m sorry you have bronchitis though. That happened to me once in high school. I had this horrible cough for six months, my mom kept saying, it’ll go away. My sister gets the cough later, goes to the doctor, she has bronchitis. I am the ignored daughter. (just kidding)

    Bronchitis sucks. So you coming to work tomorrow?

  2. didofoot

    I TOLD YOU YOU HAD WALKING PNEMONIA! or bronchitis, whatever. did i not TELL you? i said, go to the doc, get a nice stay at home note, i said. no no no you said i HAVE to go to work blah blah martyr. well i have no pity on you, bronchitial fool, not taking my advice as you OUGHT! except then you did. so pity reinstated.

  3. michele

    it’s the room the new couch is in. it’s mainly fun because of the circus paint job.

    kristen: blah blah blah martyr.

    nuala: i think so yes cause no more sick days to take advantage of. though possibly they will take one look at me and a listen to the breathing coughing joke which i have become and send me home again. but i will be doped up on codeine and not allowed to operate heavy machinery so you will have to drive still. =)

  4. michele

    ok i braved the drug store and managed to escape with the codeine. sadly they were out of eye drops. the actual essential medication. they called it over to some long’s in clayton. fuck if i know where that is. so once again. waiting for mom to come home and go get the drugs for me. (i do know where clayton is. i do not know where the longs in clayton is. just so we’re clear.)

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