March 5, 2003 by

the doll


Categories: General

the doll’s eyes were always following me. i thought that if i snipped them off–they were just buttons–that then i could gain a small measure of peace. but somehow she got ahold of the needle and thread and sewed her button eyes to the palms of her hands. She was then constantly walking up to me, arms thrust forward, offering up the eyes like a gift.


but they were a gift for which i had no desire, so i managed myself to ignore her. but then she started keening, and it was so high-pitched and overall loud* that my indifference to her predicament was worn down like a fucking mudslide.


desperate times and all that. while she was till berating the air like a banshee i picked out all the stitching in her side and pulled out the stuffing. the hole looked so lonely than, that i felt compelled to put a brick in and throw her in the river.


* sidenote: (fyi i was in class when i wrote this last night. drawing pictures seemed like an idle pastime exactly designed to stave off falling asleep.) sensei just said too(+) in a really ooki(#) voice and wrote it on the board. twice. he then proclaimed that we would all have nightmares. i don’t doubt it for a second.

+ too: (pronounced toe with a drawn out o) the counter for 10 for some small objects. there is a fucking million ways to count things in japanese and this only works for some things. like pieces of candy would be an example. it would not work for thin flat things like paper (counter = #+ mai) or cyclindrical things like coke cans (counter = # + hon/bon/pon depending on what the number is).

# ooki: (pronounced oooooh-key) BIG.

6 Responses to the doll

  1. michele


    hmm…i think there’s probably a counter for mammals. we’d prob fall in that category.

    but there’s prob different counters depending on how many legs the mammal has. fucking japanese. i’ll tell you right now i refuse to ever count with counters. refuse.

    (how do i make it ok to put in pictures? i tried to figure that out once but gave up rather easily.)

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