March 6, 2003 by

split ends


Categories: General

yesterday i went to get my hair cut. big deal, right? well when your hairdresser uses the phrase, “one of those long wet kisses that lasts you for a week.” haircutting suddenly gets a lot more exciting. certainly more risque.

her: so how’s erica?

me: good! she came over after she got her hair cut last to see my new couch!

her: you got a new couch? tell me everything!

me: (describes the couch and how much i love it.)

her: you know what couches are best for? you need to get yourself a boyfriend and bring him home to the couch to make out.

me: (kind of horrified by this turn in the conversation.) um, yeah.

her: you know what i mean, back when you’re young and just started dating and you can just make out on the couch for hours….

her eyes go a little fuzzy as she reminisces.

me: yeah. and then after a while you just stop making out because once you’ve had sex a lot and the honeymoon period is kind of over you reach that point in the relationship where making out doesn’t hold the same kind of allure as a quickie before bed.

her: doesn’t that just SUCK?

me: yeah.

her: those make outs were some of the best what with those long wet kisses that last you a whole week. and remember how it made your heart feel?

me: sigh. yeah.

10 Responses to split ends

  1. holohan

    during the east bay rapist scare of 1997 i was getting my hairs cut by the gay korean barber in berkeley. he had the tv on, and there was a news story about how they had made an arrest in the case. the GKB, who had said nothing up to this point, got very excited and said, “Get his semen, riiiiiiight?”

    and that’s my story.

  2. sean

    That was a wonderful story, Michele. Matt, that was also a wonderful story, but instead of making my heart kind of ache in a wistful way, it made my balls quiver, in a way that was either good or bad but not both.

    Also, I would like to point out that Ward Street has two, count ’em two new couches, both prime makeout locations.

  3. michele

    kristen- that is both disturbing and disgusting. but hey thanks, cutie pie.

    tracy- you make me vomit in a nice way.

    sean- i challenge you to a battle of the couches. let the couch with the most action win!

  4. jason

    Was it Melinda who you were talking to? Tell her hi for me. And hose her down while you’re at it. That story’s likely to arouse my behavior!

  5. holohan

    ah, sean, i knew i couldn’t bring up the gay korean barber without eliciting some sort of balls quivering response from you.

    if you want to log some make-out hours for your couch, just invite zacklydia and kennystephanie over.

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