March 17, 2003 by

old school


Categories: Movie Reviews

so admittedly this movie was not good. the jokes were generally gross. the romance angle was pathetic. the value system was skewed. but you know what? luke wilson is fucking good to look at. and vince vaughn is a comedic timing genius of a god. the man throws his lines out there with this serious expression even when it’s just telling his kid, “earmuffs” so he can swear. that poor kid.

the thing is though that i laughed a whole bunch in this movie. serious amusing laughter. i have no fucking clue now what the hell i was laughing at because the whole thing was such utter fluff that it was pretty forgettable. but it must have been funny because i laughed and enjoyed it.

plus it was a matinee. so cheap. except for how i paid for my brother too. making it less cheap.

2 Responses to old school

  1. Tysusho

    I loved the movie, I think guys might be able to relate to the laughs a bit more as I was one of the few people in the theatre who completely lost it. Go Frank the tank! you can’t tame the beast ya know. also Shaun W Scott was brilliant in his small cameo.

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