April 4, 2003 by

POW Jessica


Categories: General

i don’t know if anybody else has heard of this yet. but you know jessica lynch, the recently rescued POW? apparently the story is so good (because what is true life but a story in need of mass-media propagation?) that they want to turn it into a movie. a war-tear-jerker-happy-ending-movie. and WHO is the current favorite to play our heroine in uniform? sarah michelle gellar. oh yes. our very own buffy in iraq. i am curious who will play the iraqi informer who basically saved her life.

"This is the kind of movie that would put bums on seats almost anywhere in the world. Here you've got a real story of heroic Americans and it involves a pretty young girl in the lead role. What's more it's a true story with a happy ending. You're talking about a surefire hit."

i can’t decide whether i feel good or bad about this.

i mean on the one hand it’s just so typical of hollywood and america in general to take something and put some bright lights, big cameras on it and churn out a 2 hour motion picture for general populace enjoyment. and while i think that movies CAN offer you a glimpse of a life that you have no connection to and make you feel what the characters feel and see what they see. i don’t know in this situation if they will present it in a manner which will make it morally acceptable to sensationalize a war i don’t agree with and the actions of soldiers who i wish were safely at home instead of being shot by our own people. it’s great that “we” saved one 19 year old pretty girl. it’s fantastic. i am so happy that she’s safe and her parents know she’s ok. but what about the iraqi child that got the back of his head blown off? i saw those pictures. they were horrifying. but happy endings sell, small head-gutted foriegners do not.

but on the other hand, maybe the movie WILL present some of the horrors of war. maybe it will show people who have no conception of what war is really like the agony of being a prisoner of an aggressive regime. maybe it will make people THINK. and maybe buffy will look really good and shoot some things. can’t you just IMAGINE her in the little marine outfit? she’s so TINY.

don’t quote me on this whole thing being true yet. i mean obviously the rescue story and everything that’s true, (if by true you mean most likely factually accurate), but the movie thing is not concrete or anything. and certainly the leading lady role is not a given.

SarahMiche_Caulf_483349_400.jpg (i love you, jack black!)

3 Responses to POW Jessica

  1. jason

    I think that movie will be about as informative and open-minded as Rocky IV.

    Speaking of Rocky IV, I just read that Dolph Lungdren (however you spell it) used to be an item with Grace Jones! Good God, why was there never a unilateral campaign against that?

  2. nuala

    Dolph Lungdren also played HE MAN: Master of the Universe in the live action movie. That’s right the worst movie ever, and yet I will still watch it. I should also add that Courtney Cox was also in this movie. Oh the joys of bad 80s films.

  3. James

    I think that if they do a movie about Jessica Lynch, that they should wait until at least all the other POWs are returned and that we bury all the dead from this war, both friend and foe.

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