May 1, 2003 by



Categories: Movie Reviews

(please note that i am catching up on movie reviews and hence can’t really remember much since i saw all of these movies quite some time ago.)

holes was good! if you overlook the fact that the main character in the book (stanley yelnats) is supposed to be FAT and this kid in the movie is definitely not fat. there are a few other discrepancies, mainly at the end end with the completely random and totally unecessary plot twist concering mr. sir. but whatever.

mostly the way the book goes from time period to time period, is faithfully reproduced. and they all blend together smoothly and highlight a little more the tidbits of correlating info that one might have missed while reading the book.

zero, my favorite character in the book, is played with a startling degree of empathy by this khleo kid who little girls apparently rave over. if i was a little girl i would too. he is a damn cute kid.

other than all that, this movie was LOOOOONG. or possibly i was just really tired. but it’s over 2 hours. so be aware. but it is good. and really a good book for educators.

2 Responses to holes

  1. Joan

    The rason why Stanley wasn’t fat was because it was impossible to find a kid that was big enough and that could lose so much weight and with the filming scedule it was all weird too.

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