May 2, 2003 by

petard like retard like leotard

1 comment

Categories: General

even thru the blistering pain of it all i’ve decided to do the aids walk again this summer. if you’d like to sponsor me, please go here:

Michele’s Donation Page

you can also join the team and walk with (so far) me, kim, and gene. though i think kristen is joining too. you could also donate money to any of them if you like. but you all love me more, right?

let’s all hope i get to see linda cardellini again. or someone equally cool.

p.s. going to see xmen 2 today!!!! wheeeeeeee!

One Response to petard like retard like leotard

  1. michele

    nobody give me money!

    i realized this weekend that i’ll actually be in oregon that weekend at my cousin’s wedding. so don’t donate to me cause i won’t be walking, goddammit. give money to kim or gene or kristen. possibly jason will be available for donations as well.

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