May 6, 2003 by

college and the like


Categories: General

that picture/story of doug’s of anderson made me long for pictures of anderson on my page. aside from the one already here. so i went and looked thru all my college photos and only found like 2 of anderson. i thought i had more than that. but then i became so fascinated by all the other pictures that i thought i would offer a sampling. i would do more but it’s fucking late and i’m tired. so you get a whirlwind tour of the college years of me, erica, jacob, doug, jason, and a lot of people you don’t know. although you know some of the other ones maybe (jolie, marina, jenny, etc. some of you.) but there aren’t pictures of them yet. i’ll get there. and i put them all in 2003 because people can’t view the older stuff if they aren’t signed in. and also then i’d have to separate the four years into single years and that’s too difficult for me to do this late at night. (but i can fix it if you want, gene. later. after sleeping.)

the five pictures you can look at now:

#1 for some reason, possibly because i had this huge stereo, people were always in my room lip synching freshman year. mainly sam and i would sing along to aqua’s barbie girl. no joke. but please notice jacob’s beard. good memories.

#2 so young! and i had permed hair! doug took this picture. you can tell because it’s black and white. and he had the nicest camera out of all us little wee freshpeople.

#3 ha ha ha! first off, erica and i are good and bad angels and we made our own wings. i did awful things to my hair, but hey, what else is new. it hasn’t all fallen out yet. pretty much every article of clothing doug is wearing was mine. that’s not true. just the jacket and the pants. the pants which were then given to gene. and i have no idea where they are now. and i think kristen owns the jacket now. and jacob’s ninja costume was brought back by me from hong kong. really it’s just pajamas, but shh don’t tell.

#4 that pippi longstocking hair was some of my finest work i tell you. i have no idea what the name of the band was at this point. but it was junior year at the on campus concert. and anderson is back there playing drums even though you can’t see him.

#5 the man, the marvel himself. well….after some slight tampering by erica and i. the poor boy. somehow he walked in the door and we immediately covered him in pink things. he then ate some cake and left. possibly this was the last time i saw him. i can’t remember. but if so, no wonder he refuses to come visit us.

3 Responses to college and the like

  1. michele

    you should be. it had a life of its own. and no room but for itself and jacob. you’ve captured yourself a much finer specimen of jacob now.

  2. Erik

    Hmm…the stuff you find on the internet a few years down the road….I hope nobody finds that film clip of me and the rancid opossum carcass in Sri Lanka. I know what you’re thinking. There are no opossums in India. Well….you’re right….that’s where the story gets interesting.

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