May 6, 2003 by

gene, you dirty rotten bastard


Categories: General

i could cheerfully kill you. now if for any reason you die in the immediate future, say at your weird little brain donation test today on the 5th floor, then i retract that statement. but as it stands right this second, you are my new personal nightmare.

let me explain to all of you viewers at home.

today i waited till THREE ‘O CLOCK so i could have lunch with gene before his volunteer scalping. i was starving and miserable. and then he WALKED RIGHT INTO MY OFFICE IN FRONT OF THE CO-BOSS. inhuman shriek! i was so embarrassed because i knew that as soon as i came back from eating, the probing questions would descend. but flustered and blushing i dragged gene out into the hallway and ran away. he was mondo disappointed that i wasn’t wearing a button up shirt that we could carefully misalign one button and send me back to work in. i cursed his name and his parentage.

coming back to my office after the 25 minutes spent outdoors in the freezing cold. i managed to convince him to let me walk back in by myself and cautiously i went back to my office where the co-boss was lying in wait. before i even managed to set my stuff back down, gene pops his head in the door and says, “you know what, how about i call you before monday?” and i, furiously shooting eyeball daggers said, “sure,” underneath my breath adding several screaming insults. co-boss snickered at me and then asked, “how good of a friend is he? like a friend or a friend?” what is this, middle school?

at the same time delightful and horrifying, such went my afternoon. all of this compounded by the fact that my dating habits were apparently discussed at a keg party in concord last night. while i wonder why on earth this would be a topic of discussion as it’s quite possibly one of the most boring subject matters with a serious lack of examples on which to pull from, i am at turns fascinated, appalled, and rabidly curious.

4 Responses to gene, you dirty rotten bastard

  1. Jacob

    I’m actually kind of disappointed that Gene didn’t, in full view of your coworkers, send you back into the office with a smart slap on the ass and a wink.

  2. kati

    Ooooh, that’s sordid and delicious! You should indeed try the button-up shirt realignment trick – keep your boss on her toes!

    Your “dating habits” as you say were, in fact, briefly discussed at a ridiculous keg party in Corcord. As I recall it stemmed from curiosity on my part about Doug and his lovely Basefree postings.

  3. michele

    jacob- well i’m having lunch with him again on monday so his oppurtunities are yet limitless. but please do not give him ideas. the devilish grin on his face when he came back in the second time proves he does not need encouragement.

    kati- well that makes a lot more sense than my discussion with gene about it when i asked if he mentioned me in relation to doug and he said no and i could not come up with any other dating history that it would be possible to talk about. =)

  4. sean

    I think it was actually after the badass Concord PD had busted up said keg party that your dating habits were discussed. So, the audience was me and Kati only, because neither of us knew who Doug was, aside from CH postings.

    In other news, the Concord PD supercop is going to drop a dime to their landlord if this keg party bullshit keeps going on, because he’s got other shit on his beat to deal with.

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