May 12, 2003 by



Categories: General

mainly i just like the cow who goes “moo.”


(click to enlarge)

8 Responses to mooooooo

  1. michele

    jacob i have many sides which you have never seen. i wasn’t the one continually stripping in front of you at coachella, remember?

    i don’t actually read PVP, i was putzing around on some site which apparently links to me (or so say my stats) and PVP was linked from him and i went there and saw this and ummm yeah that story was completely boring and shows how little of my job-work i did today at work. i also looked at a lot of anime porn series in the morning. why? i don’t know.

    so PVP is geeky?

  2. didofoot

    WHAT? i made damn sure jacob was in the bathroom while i was stripping for the rest of you. and hey, missy, as i recall we ALL wore those skimpy bratops all day. whore squad!

  3. Jacob

    I think Kristen’s right. I don’t remember seeing any boobies all weekend.

    Except for the fire dancer.

    And the stilts-walker.

  4. michele

    wellllll erica pulled her pants off in front of jacob. and you yelled, “free at last!” while standing directly in front of him. admittedly you were semi-covered at that point. but still. the thought was enough to make my nose bleed.

    and the woman with the blacklite glow designs and the nice ass.

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