May 14, 2003 by



Categories: General

at this point i’m basically incoherent from internally screaming matrix! all day but here goes.

at this time at this time at THIS TIME right now! i’m going to go to the theatre and sit around for 4.5 hours JUST TO BE IN LINE to see the MATRIX. and you know what? waiting in line is a huge part of the experience and my experience is going to be HUGE! plus i have matrix underwear! yes!

ix ix! ma! tr! ix! matrix, matrix! WHOOOOOOO!!!!

17 Responses to ix!

  1. danny

    Whoa. Whoa. Whoa like Blossom’s Joey, whoa.

    Must discuss Reloaded. Must go see it again. Whoa. I may blog about it, but I want to see it one or two more times first, at least.

  2. cody

    go see it in berkeley. that way you can sit next to smelly people who can’t appreciate anything without a smart ass comment about it. just how hard is it to enjoy the preview for Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, and Blond without disparraging remarks?

    yes, Matrix Reloaded was damn good, like hot persophone ass in hades!

  3. danny

    Mmmm…persephone ass…mmm…

    I saw it in Emoryville, which seemed to be taken over by Berkeley students. The Legally Blonde preview was met with 3-400 louds boos and catcalls.

    Oh, and I was making the smart-ass comments. I kept telling myself to quiet down, but I wouldn’t listen.

    Psst…michelle…where’s my sushi movie review?

  4. michele

    i can’t review yet! i need to see it again. i’m sorry, loyal fans. =)

    i was pretty pleased by the tomb raider 2 preview….

  5. kati

    Ok, so I feel a little shafted here. My crew was at the *same* movie theatre, seeing a Matrix showing a mere 40 minutes after yours began, and we got NONE of the same previews! We only got 2! No Lara Croft, no Legal Blondes, no Carribean Pirates, no. One preview was for Jeepers Creepers 2, which looked ridiculous and had a winged man-eating bat-thing as the main plot point, and the other was for … well now I’ve forgotten. But I remember it was CRAP! CRAP I say! You guys have all the luck…

  6. michele

    your screening was fuck. why were you not in our screening?

    we had absurd amounts of previews. there was other ones too besides LB2:RWaB, TR2:tCoL, and PoC:LotBP. which i can’t remember now either. none of them obviously were as exciting to me as those three.

  7. kati

    Yes. Yes, clearly my screening was fuck. I was *almost* in your screening, but the man at the door said only one in at a time and I pushed BJ in instead.

  8. cody

    Oh! I forgot, jay and I also saw the preview for T3:RotM…obviously going to suck if there’s no eddie furlong (who michele discovered is way too strung out right now to do movies).

    I can’t decide whether it looks good or not…Also, there was the preview for 2F2F, which is going to be a carful of crap, i’m sure.

  9. michele

    jacob – eh?

    cody – i’ve seen like a 2 second preview for T3-RotM. damn you eddie furlong for being so busy picking up prostitutes!

    2F2F-ha ha ha!!! the first one was soooo bad. and this one doesn’t even have vin diesel in it. and i’m not even sure if that’s a good thing or not.

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