May 19, 2003 by



Categories: General

poor jacob and his ennui. i feel sad, since i did semi-cool things this weekend and then did not blog about it so how would he know i had done it? admittedly it’s not that cool. it’s just the UPS entire freshman history in pictures has been uploaded to eloise. and that took some doing, let me tell you. sooo many pictures.

you have to be a member to view them though because i put them in 1998, so sign in and view away if you so wish. and admittedly most of you prob don’t care not having going to UPS, but whatever. suck it i say. it’s not all about you. apparently it’s all about me.

i actually mostly did these for jason’s sake because he doesn’t really own any pictures from our entire UPS experience other than the ones i gave him and he likes to save all of these on his computer (why he doesn’t just shutterfly them is beyond me). anyway, speaking of jason so there’s this one picture on one of the yearbook pages that is so brilliant i almost wet myself upon viewing it again.

in said picture jason was attempting to tell his brother josh how to tie a tie over the phone. as the conversation progressed jason became more and more laughing-irritated, as we all surreptitiously listened in from the other room and attempted to control the erupting giggles. constant repetition of, “no! the shiny side! shiny! fold the shiny side! no, goddammit! shiny!”

if memory serves jason’s dad came home at that point and helped fix the tie. but possibly he was there all along and also didn’t know how to create a proper shiny side fold. whatever, the point is–here’s looking at the male contingent of jason’s family. the dad for producing jason, one of the best people i know, and josh, the worst filmographer i’ve ever had the pleasure of never viewing anything by. one of whom can’t tie a tie and one of whom can’t explain how to tie a tie. but they all muddle through in the end. and that’s what counts.


7 Responses to frosh

  1. Jolie

    I was still in high school during your freshman year, but I’m still pretty damn excited about all of these pictures. So much cuteness all over the place. fun fun.

  2. Jacob

    Speaking of blasts from the past…As I was walking down Shattuck on the 7th with my arms full of birthday-bounty for Dianna, a girl turned the corner and started walking towards me. To make a long story short, it was someone named Barbara that went to UPS and I’d met a few times at various parties. That makes it a pretty small world. But what makes the world absolutely MINISCULE is that she works at the California Writing project doing some sort of financial thing. Spooooooky.

  3. michele

    erica told me about that this weekend. and i say to you, i say, “she does not!” because there are a total of 6 people INCLUDING me who work for the CWP and she is not one of them. but maybe she works for the bay area one or something else entirely? National writing project. your facts are skewed, my friend.

    i am sitting in the CWP office right now and i am completely alone. where is this barbara now? where is she NOW?

    p.s. when’s dianna’s bday? happy bday dianna!

  4. Jacob

    No, seriously, she works there. I ran into her as she was coming out of work and she’s right there in the weird Mason’s building. I have no idea where she is in there…Maybe there’s another set of offices above the ceiling tiles?

    Dianna’s birthday was on the 7th. Happy birthday, Dianna!

  5. michele

    a-ha! she works for the national writing project, foo’. the california WP is over in Tolman now. that’s still small world freaky though. i’m with you.

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