June 2, 2003 by

the boy the man


Categories: General

jason’s coming home! jason!

he’ll be here thursday in time for baseball. =)

9 Responses to the boy the man

  1. Jolie

    We have confirmation… Mr. Jason Shamai will be at baseball on Thursday in the flesh! No more sad, passing referrences to how great it would be if Jason were around. No more jokes that we know Jason WOULD appreciate if he were around to hear them. Alas, our hearts and sould can feel whole again. =)

    Jason will be picked up from the airport and shuttled directly to the p-hill park by the following welcome wagon: Erica, Jolie, Aurea, AND the Ukrainian (for real this time). We will also be joined later in the evening by the Ukranian’s girlfriend, Lindsay. I have to say that this is bound to be the best baseball EVER!

  2. me again

    On second thought… with all of the meeting and greeting and catching up to do, I wonder if we’ll actually get around to playing baseball. I sincerely hope that we do. Maybe we can even snag a real diamond for the occasion.

  3. michele

    fuck meet and greet. we are playing baseball. marc’s coming back after all. now if only dustin comes we will have an our-boys-of-the-past-smorgasboard. boys who can actually play baseball.

  4. didofoot

    jason: the boy the man THE LEGEND.

    and yay mark. and do not forget brian danny. a little old, a little new, a little extra toe in my shoe, where did that come from?

  5. michele

    uhh…..what for? is this for the bachelor party? pick me! pick ME! i’m good at getting the strippers! he’s terrible at it! the ones he picked kicked the groom in the head with 6 inch spike heels and the bruising barely went away before the wedding. i want to party with the boys!

    (i’ll email it to you)

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