June 5, 2003 by

73 tunnel rd


Categories: General

what is up with 73 tunnel road? i drive by there every day on my way to work and it has been vacant for like a year and a half. for a while it had a for sale sign but then that too went away. but no one’s moved in. can i move in there? i love that house. i want to understand why it is so still and silent and lonely waiting though. where are the owners? why do they not move in with the hustle and bustle and putting up of knick knacks and curtains? why not install a big four poster bed and shiny pots hanging in the kitchen? such a great house completely wasted on emptiness.

i want someone to find this and answer me and then GIVE me the house. chances of this happening? very low. i will try posting on cragislist about it too though. maybe someone will see it and know something.

7 Responses to 73 tunnel rd

  1. holohan

    maybe it’s a murder house.

    if you move in and make like it’s your house, and stay there for like 15 years continuously (the time could be more or less depending on california’s adverse possession laws), it’ll be yours.

  2. michele

    2 replies. craigslist is great.

    apparently the house (i know you all care) was sold a year ago but needs to be reconstructed because of seismic and foundation problems and that the owners are probably waiting on permits.


  3. didofoot

    squatters have a surprising amount of rights around here i think. (anthony was obsessed with this for awhile.) so if you move in now and just refuse to leave you might get away with it for quite some time.

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