June 5, 2003 by



Categories: General

besides myself and maybe jenny, i don’t know anyone who watched firefly. what the hell kind of joss whedon fans are you people? anyway, i saw this today on nerdgirl’s page and decided to share because i thought it was cute. i also went and made my own little southpark version of my bro. but then it wouldn’t let me save the picture and i got irritated. he was holding a beer and everything. gorramit.


hmm i found this article on angel/the end of buffy too which was good and interesting, if you are a fan.

5 Responses to firefly

  1. James

    I watched every episode that they put out. I felt soorow when I heard that they canceled firefly. The producers of the show had no vision to keep the show running with new and wonderful episodes.

  2. michele

    who are you people? james, since when do you talk like that? btw they’re bringing it out on dvd with the 3 episodes that never aired. or so i hear. so there’s that. yey!

    p.s. james, i’m glad to hear you watched it. it makes me proud to be related to you. =)

  3. Meghan

    I am glad you guys watched it I watched every episode of the half a season it was out even though I was on the set half the time because my dad worked on the show.

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