June 6, 2003 by



Categories: General

when baggity-baggity-o-branny tells you he is bringing Ireland to baseball, he does not fuck around.

kristen is wearing a ring lately of an owl to remind her to be wise and silent. and i found my ring of two people having sex and have been wearing it lately to remind me to be sexual. what does this tell us? that kristen and i place a huge burden upon our jewelery? or that i can’t rhyme? ok i think other things are telling us about my lack of rhyming ability. ahem. mean.

5 Responses to belief

  1. sean

    Sure she’s quiet and wise, but that doesn’t excuse the half-digested voles she vomits all over the bathroom.

    I am wearing socks fresh out of the dryer to remind me to be clingy.

  2. didofoot

    today, in addition to the owl, i am wearing enormous hoop earrings, which remind me to be a big trashy ho. done aaaand done.

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