June 24, 2003 by

fook off, pillow*


Categories: General

so here it is, the me finally getting around to posting since the whole no more job thing. it’s amazing how little time you really seem to have when you have no job. you’re running all over the place trying to get things done but there’s so much more sleeping, driving to and from vegas, and topless sunbathing with erica to do. where does the time go? i just don’t know.

the party on friday was great. well it was great except for 2 things which pissed me off. 1 of which was stupid bleached hair boy who i think was named dwight who was a dick and stopped the party and upset baggity baggity o branny. fook that bastard.

the other was the excessively cute boy who i wanted to talk more with but who i was too shy to approach. damn me and my inabilty to make conversation in public! argh. it was funny when sean sent him over to ask me what was in the jungle juice and i answered very politely the whole time inwardly screaming, “he’s talking to me! talking to me! ahhh he even knew my name! what to do what to do?!” but then he left and jacob and jason grinned at me like devils and complimented my ability to form logical sentences and not run screaming. kristen later said irritably, “well of course you answer direct questions. of course. sheesh. boys.” and i was like, “yeah..uh…except for when i don’t. and run screaming. sheesh. me.”

anyway. he was really cute and i beat myself up over it all weekend. in between beating myself up with boxes, spraining ankles, delivering great smashings to my thumb which have caused quite a delightful blood blister, etc. i am a wreck. a wreck i tell you. but nowhere near as bad as my brother.

*this lovely title of a gem is compliments primarily of a story kati vol’s friend mike told me at the party about how he doesn’t like sleeping on his pillows while in bed. it was involved and elicted much giggling afterwards while we told the pillows to fook off. let me clarify because that sentence is a little confusing with the two places named. he told me at the party. at no point was i in a bed with him. the bed resided solely in the story. and i didn’t make out with kristen either.

2 Responses to fook off, pillow*

  1. jenny

    You did too make out with Kristen. Admit it. We all know already, so you might as well just get it out there. Girl-kisser. Hee!!! =)

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