July 20, 2003 by

mennonite ass grabbing


Categories: General

today leaving the movie theatre in salem i watched some mennonite girls and their dates/husbands walk away to their car and one of the girls was fondling the guy’s ass while they walked. his shoulder over hers, he weighed her down, while she committed acts of indecency on his covered flesh. is this right? what the hell do the mennonites believe and hold dear anyway? and why is there such a contingent of them in salem anyway? there were tons of them at the saturday market we went to yesterday too.

and speaking of the saturday market, i find it deadly amusing how people seem to find markets a convivial community sport in which they can give free rein to the impulse of approach. women just kept coming up to me and exclaiming over the hair, asking questions, even becoming hair-fondlers themselves. i react at the best of times with a nervous politeness which actually hides a seething resentment for all spooky strangers who dare to come near me. this was no different. on the plus side i got a pretty necklace and cool matching earcuffs.

last night at dinner my cousin james was relating a story of russian and cognac in which was featured the weighty sum of a thousand dollars per glass of cognac. i immediately flashed to an image of a virgin lashed to a spoke-rack which can spin to invert her–head down and feet up. her pubic hair is then set alight in order to mull the cognac in it’s glass over the warmth of her broiled virgin nether lips. this could cost $1000. especially if they billed it as cherry cognac and you received the cherry rights as well.

sadly it turned out that cognac just sometimes costs 1K.

the wedding was gorgeous and fun and possibly i will write more about it when i finally return home. ah home.

beneath the golden balm

settling in the fields

evening steals in calm

and farmers count their yields.

the bee is in the lavender

the honey fills the comb

but here a rain falls never ending

and i am far from home.

“the exile’s lament” kushiel’s dart

12 Responses to mennonite ass grabbing

  1. James

    Beautiful thought of my russian cognac story. I would have never thought you were into S&M. But that is because I never asked you, and never thought of asking either. That is probably better for me in the long run.

  2. michele

    even though i was reading a book on your couch almost all week which had detailed s&m scenes? even though john and i discussed s&m while sitting in the living room? people never ask me sordid things. and when they do, i lie.

  3. Cody

    have you ever been on a spoke-rack? where can I try one out? (i’ll be sure to wear my fire-proof speedo though…no crotch fires for me, thank you very much!)

  4. jenny

    you’ve never lied to me about your kink level…or HAVE YOU??? Hmmm…food for thought…

    Anyway, I don’t actually care about you, I just want everyone to go look at Jenny’s brand-spanking new website that I built for school! Because it is for school, most of the content is boring, but I have some good links, and some pictures of people you know…go look! Happy fun!


  5. michele

    cody – i have never been on a rack and have no idea where we could find one. though i’m pretty sure i could convince some people who work in a certain hardware store to build me one. they’re talented with their, um, hands.

  6. robyn

    speaking of deviant sex, does anyone know where I can get some female-friendly porn? I’d rather rent than purchase, but I’m worried that used porn is…well, dirty? I mean, I want it to be dirty, but – oh nevermind.

  7. dianna

    answer: the lovely and effervescent good vibrations, my sincerely-hoped-for potential future employer. the porn is there and waiting for you. go now.

  8. michele

    their tapes (good vibratons located in SF) are pretty expensive though. maybe all us girls should purchase one together and then make copies. you could try netflix, though i think they don’t have much good porn. weird lesbian vampire movies that i watched with erica once…but that was definitely not good. but you could always seek out porn video rental stores in san diego. they’re bound to have lots.

    tom – no.

  9. Jolie

    Robyn -where are you located? Good Vibrations (mentioned by Dianna and Michele) is good if you’re in SF or Berkeley (there are stores in both the city and the east bay)… but if you’re in San Diego, those won’t help you at all! There is a place in Hillcrest on University that has good “female-friendly” porn. I can be more specific if it’s relevant. Then again, there is always good vibrations online. So many choices!

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