July 28, 2003 by

liggity lame and loving it


Categories: General

holy crap i just managed to answer some of my email. it was harrrrrrd. i am so lazy. i finished card captor sakura though. the series (both seasons) and the 2 movies. streeeeeeeettttch. man that was a lot of time spent on the couch. i actually had an email checking on my welfare. ahem.

“Babe, sushi is starting to scare me. I can’t believe you watched anime for 12 hours. Actually, I can. The scary prospect is that you’re going to do the same thing the next day. (Maybe you’re actually watching anime now and this little prophecy is being fulfilled?) I mean come on here. The light of day; it’s nice; it’s pretty.

but then pandas unite* also expressed joy in my ability to waste away on the couch. i just don’t know who to believe anymore. however for all of you alls info, i actually did leave my house today and spent a good three hours in the sun over in kristen’s parent’s pool. where i was terrified into gibbering insensibility by the 3-d fish toilet seat cover in the bathroom. that thing is creepy, i tell you. every time it gets me. every time.

however, lest you be deceived that i was doing some good being out in the world and not subjecting my pea-brain to elementary school children’s animated antics, let me inform you i was re-reading the princess diaries books. yes, the ones that disney based the movie on. yes, the ones sweeping the young adult nation. yes, the ones which make me so happy i could squidge like an otter. i’ve read now, all of her YA series. the one about the girl that gets hit by lightening,** the one about the girl who can see ghosts, and the one about the girl who is a princess. i’m still waiting on getting the one about the girl who saves the life of the president. but don’t you worry. i’m getting there. and they’re all so good! and funny! and intelligent! seriously!

i have no shame. NO SHAME.

*pandas unite is the name of the bowling team that susan d and company had/have in tacoma. she told me about it once. i was very impressed. i even bought a shirt from goodwill that had pandas on it and wore it in secret support.

** holy crap! they have a tv series based on the lightening girl ones starting this saturday!!! who couldn’t be more excited!? hmm….just watched the preview for it and it looks like shit that has completely deviated from the books. kind of like the damn disney movie did with the princess diaries. heh. i will still watch though. oh yes. because i am just that lame.

6 Responses to liggity lame and loving it

  1. Pandas Unite

    ha! you have a panda t-shirt?! awesome.

    we made our own t-shirts back when that team was still in action (holy crap 3 years or so ago??). andie mungle drew a cute pudgy panda holding a green bowling ball. AND we wrote stupid code names on the back. andie’s was “don’t touch me” and mine (i still have it, even tho it shrunk to a ridiculous size in the wash) says “not a prostitute” … if you’d seen some of the other teams, you’d understand.

    so, yeah, panda powah.

  2. michele

    susan- ha! i’d forgotten how you wrote on them. you told me about that too. i never wrote on mine. but i did totally have it. i don’t know why i was so freakishly fascinated by you guys having a bowling team. but i wholly admit that i am weird.

    kristen- you got a box yesterday, did you know? i forgot to mention it. prob your dad delivered it to you though.

  3. Kimberly

    Hey Michele,

    It’s Kimberly, Jenny and Jesses’s friend in San Diego..

    I am thinking about starting a blog, so I was reading yours and others..

    This part about teen books made me laugh, because I totally got hooked on a series about a girl named Gaia a few years ago. They are by Francine Pascal (sp?) The women who wrote the Sweet Valley High books back in the 80’s. Don’t know if you’ve ever heard of them..anyway..

    My manager is a big reader like me, and had a book arrive in the mail as a sample or something. He read it and thought it was awesome and gave it to me. I read through it in like 2 hours…and went to a book store to buy #2. I was so embarressed to find it as a teen series. Then,I realized why the authors name was familiar. I read all of those books in 5th and 6th grade about these rich twins and their antics.

    Gaia is WAY different. She reminds me of a series on TV …ummm..7 years ago called VR5. It’s still on the scifi channel, or so I’ve heard.

    She has this amazing ability to kick some serious ass when attacked in central park, on the street, etc.. Her dad is in some CIA/Secret force something..and she lives with an uncle and his monster wife. The books cover life, emotions, teen anxiety, crushes, action, female power and are empowering.

    It’s really well written, exciting and well..bad ass! I found many books in paperback at the library. There are about 20plus chronicals, I got to 16 or 17. I think I’ll read them again!!

    Just thought I’d share..random, I know.

    I hope you’re well, happy and healthy…..

  4. michele


    i am collapsed laughing here. you should talk to jenny about the FEARLESS series. which, yes, i have read a lot of. i think i stopped at like 13 or 14 though. they’re making it into a tv show on the wb this season, fyi. i think i wrote about it on my site somewhere a while ago.

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