August 15, 2003 by

here’s looking at you, kid


Categories: General

yesterday in my never-ending quest for the perfect suntan i managed to miscalculate the amount of protective cream needed on a region that seldom sees sun.

my ass is now the ass of fire.

incredibly uncomfortable, let me tell you.

but i suppose this is what one gets when the goal is to be suntanned all over, fair and balance.

‘stick it where the sun don’t shine’ is an imperative i taunt with my red and shiny bottom.

11 Responses to here’s looking at you, kid

  1. jenny

    Ooohhh….I’ve been there, and it is extremely lacking in the ‘fun’ department. I would imagine, especially with the amount of time you spend on your ass, this is a very bad situation…hee!

  2. Tom

    Ouch. This is so not good. Reminds me of my first au naturale sunbathing session, where I most thoroughly burnt my derriere. I swear, it was the second most uncomfortable crisping I ever had.

    The first place sunburn? Well, let’s just say I got that one the same day. And I had to sleep on my side for a week.

    See? It could be much, much worse…

    Hope this helps. 🙂

  3. Jolie

    The obvious solution: More naked sunbathing!

    Get that hot ass out in the sun more often and this burning issue will turn into fully tanned and naked more often michele situation. Good good.

  4. michele

    it didn’t even peel. sorry creepy aaron.

    tom – now THAT is terrible. hope you suffered no ill effects. =)

    jolie – SEXY!

    cody – mmmm beaches…

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