August 21, 2003 by

damn you sprinklers


Categories: General

unpotable water strikes again. obviously running thru the sprinklers at phill park during last night’s baseball was not my most well-thought out plan as i am now disgustingly ill and have trouble raising my head the scant inches necessary to sip water from a cup while lying prone on my couch. i have been re-reading the same paragraphs in my current book multiple times trying to ascertain the archaic meanings of words. sentences say what?

but then wonders never ceasing the phone company sent someone early to fix our dsl which was broken from the painting and floor ripping upping. so now for the first time in a week we have working internet again. it was too much to resist and i must push myself up to come and post.

people might be wondering what has happened to me or what i have been doing since i have been so inconoclastically shut up for quite some time. other than the swimming at kristen’s parents house and the painting of my own home and the ripping up of all the carpets, i have not been doing much. i read every day and i go and see some of the worst movies it has even been my misprivilage to view. and as i am lazy and unable to keep up with sushi movie reviews besides the fact that i feel pretentious even having a movie review page (what right? what but none?) i am thinking of subsuming it to sushi and just mentioning my theatre expeditions here every once in a while. but for now i have put all my latest notes up over there.

anyway, the new job search hasn’t even begun. the applying to grad schools hasn’t either. i helped a little with research for the production company. and i’m helping with the putting in of hardwood floors at my house. and i’m going back to dvc this time to finally make it thru to learning japanese (domo arigato mr roboto). my brother is moving back in for four months with his damn ferrets who, he has warned me, hide in couch cushions now and bite your ass when you’re least expecting it. my elation is boundless as a shallow puddle. hmph.

p.s. happy late birthday, james!

12 Responses to damn you sprinklers

  1. James

    Thanks for the late birthday greeting. Just so you know I spent my entire birthday on the road from Boulder, CO to Salem, OR. Took 23 hours and 45 minutes for the trip, partly due to a forest fire outside of Sisters, OR at 2:30 a.m. in the morning on Wednesday. I was in Boulder helping Katherine move-in to her apartment, which if everything goes well will be shared by John in about one month. Hope you get better soon.

  2. shoefly

    I apologize for continuing on this topic, but since you’ve re-addressed it in item #2, I feel the need for more clarity. Now, you’ve stated that the ass in question is no longer sensitive. However, is it nevertheless very supple and soft? On this I am almost certain, as only very harsh treatment of an ass could garner it anything else. Yet your attitude strikes me as very cavalier and gives great cause for concern. Please re-ass-ure us, Michele.

    BTW – I saw an ad in last week’s Guardian (or perhaps East Bay Express), a job opening for a movie reviewer. They were looking for people who could provide interesting slants on movies, without having to reference other films. Perhaps this could be interesting, and fun! Here, I found it:

    You should apply!

  3. michele

    that would be so cool! but…i just read my movie review page all over and cannot countenance using one of those as an entry piece. i will have to think on this. but thanks for the hint, dirty fly boy.

  4. Jolie

    Welcome back to the world of the DSL connected, Michele! Now use that internet to order some grad school applications Missy!!!! Take advantage of being unemployed and buy yourself 2-5 more years of paid unemployment. It’s the high-life, I’m tellin ya. =)

  5. erica

    hey sweet stuff! sorry you’re so sick, we missed you last night. just to let you know, i am writing this to you from my new laptop, so no helpful trips with carol will be needed, though the offer was ever so much appreciated. feel better soon, my silly water drenched muffin!

  6. John Hunt

    I just read your movie comment page for the first time. For goodness sake, go to the frikin’ web sight and apply for the job you lazy, goofy, cute in a crazy way, frizzy headed nut! Your particular brand of insanity is all that stands between salvation and not salvation for this sad world! Hope your ass and guts are feeling better now. By the way, you must come and visit Katherine and I in Boulder, in fact if you’re bored, just get a flight out there when ever you feel like it, she’d love to see you.

  7. michele

    john- i sent her a fun missive the other day. fun and missively. and i would love to go visit, but i think i will wait for you to be there too and for me to have some money. =) anyway, thanks for the props. coming from you that means a lot to me.

    erica- i’m so sorry i didn’t come to the party! or call you back! i am feeling better. in the sense that i am coughing and disgusting and disgusted at myself.

    jolie- i did that part! i got all sorts of fun applications and prospectusesess (prospecti?) it’s the doing something with them that drags me down. lazy lazy lazy.

  8. Jolie

    Ah, it’s always the “doing something” part of a grand plan that catches me up too! Maybe you could pretend you were blogging to potential future grad schools???? You do blogging…and that’s something.

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