August 27, 2003 by

happy (late) birthday, marina! (i suck)


Categories: General

while attempting to prepare nuala’s happy birthday post i realized that i never wrote one for marina. this panicked me into a heavy state of guilt. marina, i know i am a crud kind of friend. and also you haven’t even gotten a present from me yet. and also, i’m not even quite sure what day your actual birthday is. the 25? 26? 27? i have no fucking clue. i know it’s in july. so i’m a full month late here, but that is no excuse. just so we’re clear here, i did get you a present. it’s in the mail. it’s delightful. or it will be delightful. eventually. maybe. you never know. it’s no fukoku glove, but it’s a start.

so then we’ve known each other what? 6 years? 6.5? that’s a long time. and you know what i have to say about that? absolutely nothing. i don’t think i’ve managed to remember your birthday ONCE since we’ve been friends. maybe last year? or the year before that? i remember the one time senior year where i threw you that big party but that was like in march or something. nowhere near your birthday. but i feel it was a valiant effort. even though your memory and joy at receiving pride and prejudice on vhs has subsequently been supplanted by mark who got it for you on dvd. damn you, mark.

one of my favorite memories of you, marina, (and i), is when we got those aviator head set walkie talkies so that bi!! and trevor would shut the fuck up about how we tied up the phone line for hours even though we lived across a small man-made lake from one another. because walking across the grass while sporting a stylish head-set and being catty with you is my idea of a fucking good time. promise me that someday we will live next door to one another again. and the next time we own something as patently absurd and dorkish as head-set walkie talkies we MUST take pictures of ourselves wearing them.

happy late birthday, marina, i love ya!

p.s. i also liked it when you brought me presents from asia. don’t forget ukraine.

7 Responses to happy (late) birthday, marina! (i suck)

  1. Marina

    ahem. the birthday was July 30th.

    and don’t worry, i’ll still buy you crap in Ukraine.

    ps-the walkie talkies were pretty damn cool, it’s just too bad they didn’t work better.

  2. Jolie

    Wasn’t the March birthday party from Senior year a suprise party? I seem to remember sneakyness being involved. I think that party was one of my first initiations into the larger group. I remember feeling awkward because I knew that you and Marina were still weary of me.

    Now that I think about it, Marina got THREE birthdays that year because we also had an early passport 21st birthday party in Pioneer Square. So, even tho we’re slackers this year, Marina’s been taken care of in the past.

  3. michele

    it was a surprise party. it was a surprise ‘hey we’ve forgotten your birthday for the last 4 years and we’re planning on forgetting it this summer too so here let us give you some presents and cake and get you drunk.’

    she was very surprised.

  4. Marina

    But seriously, I was pretty damn impressed by the surprisiness of the May b-day party. I mean, one is taken a little aback when all of a sudden you’re celebrating your birthday almost three months before it regularly occurs. And Michele, you’ll always be the first love in my life who gave me P&P.

  5. michele

    plus you were really mad that i was forcing you to come over because you hadn’t finished your thesis yet. muah-ha-ha-ha!

    in fact i found the following written by marina while looking for incriminating emails from/to nuala for her bday post:

    “I’m Bored!

    Its Really Late and I’ve been up less than 12 hours.

    I need a life.

    There are no jobs on the internet.

    I’m just looking at stupid Pacrim pictures online instead.

    I need a life.

    I should be working on my thesis.

    But, oh no, not me.

    I have only a week.

    Zero pages.

    I’m fucked.


    me being the love of your life=YEY!

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