September 18, 2003 by

ieee! oof. nipples.


Categories: General

yesterday in class, i’m sitting there in the corner amidst the Korean High School Girls minding my own business and i glance over at gloria-san and she is not wearing a bra! and her shirt is semi-low cut! i felt like a dirty perv!

later on though i bonded with KHSG in our shared hatred of jesse-the-dumbass-san. this boy….he is so incredibly irritating. i can’t even, oh man. he makes me so angry. but in a laughable, you-can’t-really-be-pissed-because-he’s-just-so-dumb way. see, he really likes dragonball z. he is a serious anime otaku (obsessed fan). one of the ones which overboards into trying to be japanese. so…like me. but way more obsessed and irritating. it’s funny how everytime i come in contact with otaku i am reminded that though all my friends think i am obsessed, i will NEVER be a true geek. and that is good. very, very good. i mean, for those of you from UPS, between me and francesco there is really no comparison. and jesse (minus the boom voice) is way more irritating than francesco.

yesterday, for example, we were learning colors and sensei was saying things like, ‘oh marcus-san’s shirt is white. (my added comment here is that he looked damn hot in it too. oh ho.)’ ‘this book is red.’ blah blah whatever. so she got to black. and jesse was wearing a black shirt. he then held up his sunglasses. then his pen. then stood up to show his pants. then his shoes. forcing the teacher to name each item and say his name and black over and over again.

she did this because she is a weak pathetic excuse for a teacher. he did this because he is an otaku extrovert who wants to be teacher’s pet. the KHSG corner + me attempted not to throw our heavy $100 books at his head. thus proving that though some of us might be showing our nipples, and some of us might be looking at said nipples, we are still the bigger people in terms of decorum and behavior.

3 Responses to ieee! oof. nipples.

  1. sean

    I don’t have anything at all to add, but I thoroughly enjoyed this post, and only partially due to its teenage-Korean-nipple-heavy content.

    What is this class you are taking?

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