October 1, 2003 by

spike spike spike tonight


Categories: General


11 Responses to spike spike spike tonight

  1. michele

    but his hair! (angel’s) so bad.

    but the newly revealed vampire superpowers! did they get a bigger budget? possibly so. because they are certainly pulling more special tricks now and actually kicking more people across the room. plus matrix-y jumping. whee!

  2. michele

    he’s a ghost on angel. it has to do with wolfram and hart’s law offices being a place of evil and gateway to hell. or something. we’re supposed to learn more later i think.

  3. michele

    i don’t think spike would let a little thing like not having a corporeal body stop him from taking off his shirt. and i think fred is working on fixing it and making him come back to life. this is a season story arc though so we might have to wait a while for sex. but all waiting is worthwhile for spike sex, non?

  4. didofoot

    i do not know who fred is, but he cannot possibly be as motivated as i am on this issue. the only solution is for me to become a character with special coporealization powers.

  5. michele

    fred is the thin thin girl in the background. you probably didn’t notice her because she is so thin she can turn sideways and disappear. also spike is in the foreground and dominates. totally dominates. maybe SHE will fall in love with spike. then she will be motivated.

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