November 4, 2003 by

“We are the chick, the World is our egg.”

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Categories: General


i’ve kind of missed the boat on getting my act together to see the premiere of matrix revolutions. this makes me sad. i was so excited last time. there was themed underwear and friends to wait in line with. what happened this time around?

recently i re-watched the princess bride. that movie makes me so happy. but at the same time it also brings up a lot of childhood good and bad memories. shona, robi, neela, and i used to pretend to be wesley and buttercup and roll down the hill in front of their house over and and over again. say i was wesley and shona was buttercup. she would push me down the hill and i would scream, “as you wish!” and then she would roll after me. once we both reached the bottom there would be the crawling over and making out section of the event. we did the whole thing where you put the back of your hand against your mouth and then fake kiss with your palms. that shit was hot.

the bad memory i have associated with this movie comes about in relation to the sand traps in the forest. i had this dream after an early watching of the film wherein i was buttercup and i fell thru the sand. the thing was that it took a while for wesley to reach me and in the meantime there were a lot of skulls and bones and really disgusting sand fish in there. every time i go a while between watching this movie i’ll become convinced again that they show buttercup in the sand pit and you see the bones. but then, that never really happens. i still find it really traumatic though and hate to be reminded of it. ugh.

One Response to “We are the chick, the World is our egg.”

  1. jenny

    I saw The Matrix Revolutions last night! Admittedly not because I got up off my ass in any way, shape or form to make it happen. No, I owe it all to the enthusiasm of Jesse, who bought the tickets online, and then waited IN line while I went to a teaching meeting. By the time I got there, all I had to do was walk into the theater and sit in my (third row, center) seat. All in all, a very enjoyable way to see a movie on opening night. The movie, by the way, was very, very good, and that is all I am saying about it until you all see it.

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