November 15, 2003 by

hmph. kerplunk.


Categories: General

i went and saw alegria the other day with my free pass. like a get out of jail free card, only the circus. and, i have to say, that the circus does not pass muster. i take back every word of encouragement i have made to go see it. totally not worth the millions of dollars you have to spend on tickets and parking. liggity LAME. well, except for the music. i am a huge fan of the music. it is in my head constantly. i will hate it within another 2 weeks, i am sure. but the circus itself is kind of boring. there’s all this shit with clowns that just goes on much too long. and there’s this whole 10 minutes before the intermission that is a complete waste of space and makes no sense. stupid clowns. some of the acts are really good. like the russian bars, the trapeze artists, and the hula hoop bendy girl. hmm, and the trampoline people. but the juggler i saw kept dropping balls! and there’s just no storyline to follow. and the strong man is dumb. although, yes the fire dancer is both muscle-y goodness in a speedo and talented, the circus as a whole is not as entertaining as it could be.

i think this is because it’s one of the older shows and is suffering from its antiquity. because varekai which i saw last year was AMAZING. and it’s only like 2 or 3 years old, whereas alegria is like 10 years old. liggity old. (ha ha! i just re-read my varekai post. it’s awesome. ah, what a year can do.)

tonight while waiting for the tent to empty of people so i could go home, a boy in green/yellow track pants was experimenting with a hula hoop. velma, xandri, pretty girl whose name i don’t know, and i almost died because he was doing the whole hip-swivel-thrust hula hoop action and the boy had no underwear on! it was scandalous. i laughed so hard. and we all had to kind of turn our backs to him. except velma who just watched outright with no shame. xandri had to leave the tent and was frantically whispering into her walkie talkie in gloating glee.

also, i just realized today that i have to work on thanksgiving! now, sure i don’t eat most thanksgiving foods, and can no longer eat turkey, but still. liggity you know.

7 Responses to hmph. kerplunk.

  1. Jolie

    That’s a goddamn shame about Alegria. I saw Saltimbanco sometime during my UPS years and it was FANTASTIC. Not a moment of liggitylameness anyware in there.

    Also – you don’t eat turkey now? Am I the only one who is still heartless and void of ethics? Shit dude, I need to work on this whole omnivore thing.

  2. kati

    Why no turkey? Makes you sleepy?

    I’d like to represent for the carnivores in all of us, excusing the vegetarians I guess. The only thing better than Thanksgiving Turkey would be Thanksgiving freakin’ tri-tip steak. Can you have that instead?

    Red meat, red meat! Yeeha!

  3. michele

    i’ve been a vegetarian since jason came back from new jersey. which was…mmm…last april? may? so not very long.

    mmmm red meat….bloooooodyyy….mmmmmm.

    saltimbaco has like one good song on the cd and the rest are mediocre. this is my feeling on saltimbaco. but the clips i’ve seen of the performance look mighty fine. alegria just has too many clowns. and the bendy asian girls are injured. and the hand balancer guy is semi-injured. heh. they just don’t have enough people in the “cast”.

  4. dianna

    They need to quit injuring their bendy selves! What kind of show is this when half of them are lying in hospital beds that have been reshaped to accomodate their strange contorted shapes?

    Hail Seitan. We will all receive the mark of the Gluten and join the army of the Antimeat. Muahahaha.

  5. michele

    yesterday i was at ellie’s new pad in the berkeley hills and she was telling me about how she’s developed anemia from the baby and how you can tell by looking at the inside bottom eyelid. if it’s white or really pale pink you’re getting too little iron and having problems.

    sure enough, when we looked at my eyelids they were pale pink fading to white at the inner part. this could partially explain my recent issues with spinning rooms and my propensity for running into walls due to a complete lack of balance and depth perception.

    i think it has a lot to do with two punctured ear drums, but this anemia thing is no joke either.

    it’s possible i’ll have to go back to eating meat just so i don’t begin fainting on a regular basis. say all you like about iron rich vegetables and iron supplement pills, but we all know none of that will help me like red meat will.

  6. dianna

    You’re absolutely right about that, Michele. Personally, I attribute the nice dark pinky red color of my inner lower eyelids entirely to the hearty steak breakfasts with which I start off each day. Long live eating red meat!

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