May 28, 2004 by

i had a bunny once


Categories: General

my throat really, really hurts for no good reason so i’ve been trying to come up with reasons why. it is my belief (firm) that they put subliminal text or images in the buffy musical episode of season 6 and that i’ve been singing the songs in my sleep for the past 3 nights. loudly. thus straining my tonsils. this would explain also why i dream the songs, wake up to the songs in my head, and have insomnia from the songs in my brain. fer fuck’s sake. i watched the damn episode once on tuesday night and now i’m just a fooking wreck.

it got worse last night as i watched some of the special features which had clips of the musical in them so now i do clips too. just snippets of a song, over and over again. the same line. it’s awful. and my throat hurts. i now curse the buffy name which has brought me low.

current insolent lyrics laughing at my pain are: “she came from the grave much graver.” “first i’ll kill her, then i’ll save her.” “bunnies aren’t just cute like everybody supposes. they’ve got those hoppy legs and twitchy little noses. and what’s with all the carrots? what do they need such good eyesight for anyway? bunnies! bunnies, it must be bunnies!” pause as they sing more of that song about facing it together they can defeat anything, “…except for bunnies…”

2 Responses to i had a bunny once

  1. holohan

    apparently buffy is very popular here at my firm. i’ve already seen one buffy calendar in an attorney’s office, and another attorney reportedly has a cardboard cut-out of SMG in his office. i’ll have to ask if anyone’s throat is sore from singing the songs.

  2. michele

    yes, prove my foolishly implausible theory correct!

    wow though, i want to work somewhere where people have cardboard cut-outs of WB stars in their offices. that’s whack.

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