June 1, 2004 by

four hours


Categories: General

four hours alone at work later with no email, no CH, and no kristen at work to entertain me anyway, i am prepared to weep tears of gratitude for having CH working again. crud, those 4 hours were awful.

tonight is the miss universe pageant and i’ve been spending these 4 hours at work picking my favorites by reading their interviews, looking at pictures, etc. i want to be able to pick 18 instead of the 10 we are limiting ourselves to for the party tonight. admittedly, i made up the 10 limit rule, so i almost feel entitled to breaking it. i really want israel and egypt on my team because i like them, but i am well aware neither of them will win so it seems pointless to choose them. heh. decisions.

4 Responses to four hours

  1. michele

    results were as follows:

    christine and kati vol: tied for first place (austrailia)

    christine, kati vol, and me: tied for second place (USA)

    me: 4th place (Paraguay)

    kim, kati vol, and jolie: tied for 5th place (Trinidad/Tobago)

    overall winner here? kati vol. girl who actually took home the first place crown (or Miss Chose-the-Right-Contestant Universe winner)? christine (Miss Ogyny). which is what kati vol gets when voting in absentee.

    other names:

    michele: Miss Begotten

    kristen: Miss Represent

    jolie: Miss Demeanor

    Kim: Miss Fit

    Erica: Miss D. Connection or Miss Construed

    that was quite possibly the funnest party i’ve ever thrown. next year though, i’m getting that tiara back from christine.

  2. didofoot

    you forgot to mention that my star performer Miss Italy won Miss Congeniality. And I got cookies for that which, unlike a tiara, are good for getting me through a whole day at work.

    that was the BEST kind of party.

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