June 3, 2004 by

why alan rickman looks nothing like a snake


Categories: General

before i met doug, i used to get up when the alarm clock went off. now i snooze as many times as possible. one day i too look forward to waking up with the clock’s cord wrapped around my arm while i clutch the plastic case to my chest dreaming of snakes.

from the living room i can hear my toilet making the noise of a water cooler when you take away its liquid insides. a glug glug glug. i’m convinced there’s a snake in the plumbing. in general i like snakes. if they’re in their natural habitat of the savannah, or my cul de sac, or a cage, but when they get in the pipes i take issue. the fear of getting one’s ass bitten while sitting gives me the terror.

of course i also used to think that maybe a kitten would climb up the plumbing and i could lift the grate in the bathtub and voila have a new kitten. i’m forced to admit now that probably this kitten would have been hollowed out of its insides by a snake from the ass-end forwards and the snake would then push it along forward like a finger puppet. a kitten puppet built for snake. that’s, that’s disgusting.

in conclusion, alan rickman does not look like a snake (snape) because he does not have a kitten on his head.


see? no kitten.

emma watson is a kitten though. a sex kitten. snape better stay away from her rear-end.

8 Responses to why alan rickman looks nothing like a snake

  1. marina

    have you seen it? Is it as good as everyone says it is?

    and why did doug change your waking up habits? its hard to imagine you waking up when the alarm first goes off, ever.

  2. Doug

    The snooze bar is my best friend. I am a bad influence. I think Michele may have been refering to the incedent when Jason found me clutching the alarm clock to my chest in my sleep back in Langlow. Lately, I haven’t even been bothering with an alarm clock at all, and I think I have been getting better sleep because of it.

  3. michele

    haven’t seen it yet, dearie. tomorrow though i will see it. oh yes. SOOOOO EXCITED!!

    i swear i used to get up as soon as the alarm went off. but then doug always had to get up so much earlier than me, (science classes being early, english classes being in the afternoon), and he would hit that snooze button for at least 30 minutes. now i can’t refrain from hitting it too instead of just getting up.

    it is one of my most hated bad habits. it would be so nice to set it for that half hour later and get uninterrupted sleep and then get up. but i can’t do that anymore! i can’t just get up. sigh. this is a stupid thing to complain about.

  4. holohan

    sex kitten? she’s fourt-teen! a very sexy fourteen, but still.

    i’ll have everyone know that i typed that on my home computer, where the office can’t record my keystrokes.

    she looks disturbingly like my crazy-ass senior year roommate, who was also a damn sexy fourteen year old.

  5. michele

    but she will grow up and be a mature sex kitten. right now though she can be a 14 year old tiny meow kitten.

    speaking of little girls going meow, yesterday passing my window a little girl and her father meowed at my cat who was looking outside. as they walked away, little girl giggled, “i meowed at the kitty!” and her dad then meowed at her.

  6. erica

    wow, jason, that is an eery resemblance. you’d think someone with fangs would be a better conversationalist. i guess you just never can tell.

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