June 10, 2004 by

barmy baubles


Categories: General

this afternoon i went to an audition lecture given by this fellow who is hoping for a teaching position at USF for next year. i’ll have to take the class in the fall, so i’m just checking him and it out, right? so i go to this thing. and who is there to listen to it? well there’s me. and then there’s the exec. director of my program, the assoc. director, and the department secretary. sigh. we have to fill out these sheets for the evaluation of him. supposedly anonymous. yeah right. i think i’m the only one who filled it out. but then i stole the golf pencil they loaned me to fill it out with. so obviously, i made out on this deal.

do you kristen remember in high school when i couldn’t go to a library without stealing golf pencils? and when we had standardized testing in the library at college park and they’d put out golf pencils on the tables there, i would always walk off with one of those too? i had a steel shot glass with celtic designs in my bedroom in which lodged many pencils, a rubber band, and a rosebud head. trinkets, treasures, klepto kollector, this is what i am.

marina, the director of my program asked me where i went to undergrad and then was asking if i knew a teacher there who she worked with once. k. fields! my friend had him, i said. but not me, oh no.

speaking of ups teachers and audition lectures, i have a memory of going to white dan’s interview lecture. did anyone else? am i crazy and making this up?

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