June 25, 2004 by

i scheme with tactics


Categories: General

earlier the classical radio station was playing a french christmas song, which french father started singing to me in french about the king who would come again for me. then french father told me about his austrian friend who came to mass with him and afterwards said that one of the hymns was to the tune of an austrian drinking song. also then that the edellweiss tune in the sound of music is used as a hymn in chinese catholic services.

i am learning a lot about church thievery of musical scores (a friar in the dead of night running off with a sheaf of music notes!) and the austrian irreverence for catholicism (‘we’ll drink and drink and drink and fight and if i see a pretty girl, i’ll sleep with her tonight!’ with a rubber. and if she gets pregnant anyway, we’ll get an abortion!). in conclusion, jacob should dump dianna and date me. thank you and have a nice weekend.

10 Responses to i scheme with tactics

  1. michele

    you know what i like best about today? the fact that jacob hasn’t been online at all. because once he is, it will be an automatic, ‘screw you, michele, i love dianna,’ ooey-gooey fests.

  2. michele

    screw my courage up to the sticking point.

    jacob, let’s make out.

    ack! ack! this is too much even for me. we must stop this ill-fated affair now before we remove any clothing!

  3. Dianna

    Ha. Wussy.

    I think it’s best that Jacob’s staying out of this. Really, how much could he possibly have to say that would be constructive in this context?

  4. michele

    that’s true, that’s true.

    jacob, let’s put our construction abilities to good effect and construct a human pyramid of two.


    naked jacob and naked me.


    i’m quickly losing heart for this game. it would be like incest.

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