July 19, 2004 by

“but you’re awfully unique,” said anderson


Categories: General

hiding out behind a stack of books in the library in order to spy on law boy, i tried to figure out if i could galumph over to his table, rip some pages out of his stupid bar review book and be hidden again before he noticed anything amiss. how is it possible that lying on 3 chairs pulled together and reading a book upside down could possibly be more entertaining than watching me watching him? this boy, he is here every day in my library with books and papers and a laptop and pads of paper and pens and highlighters. he goes all out. i have no idea what he’s doing. well except for how i know he’s studying for the bar. because i strolled up to his table one afternoon when he was momentarily missing and nonchalantly browsed thru the titles of his texts. he has a BMW. he wears a beanie sometimes. he’s cute, though not as cute as the art boy with the black mustang (damn….).

today i went to the random tiny balcony off the stairwell on the other side of the building and sat with my feet dangling over empty space and stared at clouds. i tried to convince myself both that it was unlikely my shoes would fall off or that i would fall off, but staring at clouds produced the imminent dread that soon i would be in that plane for 18 hours staring at clouds from the wrong vantage point. shudder. now i am back in my office watching clouds thread themselves thru sutro tower like it’s a needle. i wonder if a plane landed directly on top of sutro tower whether the plane would crush it or be impaled on it.


5 Responses to “but you’re awfully unique,” said anderson

  1. marina

    that was the funniest damn thing. sorry, sorry, i really do feel bad about your fear of flying. but it will be so worth it! i promise.

    and take drugs, lots of them, so hopefully you’ll remember as little about the plane ride as possible. that’s what i’m doing.

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