August 2, 2004 by

feet don’t fail me now


Categories: General

Today at the Sultan Mosque by Arab Street in Singapore, we were allowed inside by the reception guy after he proclaimed us “too sexy, too sexy ladies, must cover up the sexy sexy,” and gave us these long button-up shirts/nightgowns to wear. mine was brown and annette’s (marina’s mom) was green. i so wish i had taken a picture of us in these now, but sadly i am not on top of my picture taking game. i blame it on the heat. or possibly on my phobia of being labeled a tourist, even a too too sexy one.

there was a black and white cat wandering the entry grounds with his enormous balls hanging all out and meowing chainsaw loud. so unhappy this cat. was it the distended balls? i am not sure. too too sexy, i said to him as i tried to take his photograph. but him and his wriggling balls moved too fast for me.

i did wander around taking pictures of the mosque. inside outside. cute muslim boy admonished me that this was the ablution area. i wasn’t sure if it was a keep out, no girls warning or a gentle remark to a photo-crazed tourist. but i think his friendly smile lends credence to the latter (and he couldn’t even see the too sexy sexy!)

i bought six saris in Little India. this is a confession. would anyone like a sari? name a color(s). they’re between $12-17 US. fucking gorgeous. it’s not so much a sari, admittedly, as the 6 yards or whatever of sari fabric. you’ll need to find a detailed guide on how to wrap it around yourself into sari high fashion.

kristen: signs for ‘car parks’ are everywhere. everywhere, i tell you.

27 Responses to feet don’t fail me now

  1. Jolie

    Dood, I want a sari! Pretty green. Or dark red – I hear red looks good on my people. Hold it up to Marina to check. I’ll pay you back.

  2. erica

    shit, dude, i’m a little slow on the draw! i, too, wouldn’t mind a sari, in fact, i’d love one. blue or green, but really at this point i guess i’ll just take what’s left. =) i will now go giggle some more at you saying “too sexy sexy” to distended balls cat. tee hee!

  3. michele

    oh silly rabbits, i was going to buy MORE saris in the colors you requested not give away all MINE.

    jolie: a lot of the green ones have red borders. so it won’t overwhelm you, but merely accent.

    kristen: i will try for a pink AND red one. or potentially a completely different color such as this wicked pretty teal purple two-tone one.

    erica: blue and/or green, gotcha. are you sure you don’t want bright pink or peach? ok maybe not bright pink.

    dianna: color? maybe you shall get purple. simply because no one else has asked for it and i like the purple one. then again though i have also found these awesome brass weighty earrings from a tibetan/japanese store which don’t fit my ears, but which we could probably get in yours. i’m tempted just to stretch mine though to make them fit rather than give them away because they’re so cool. maybe i should go back and buy the ones with elephants on them though since i think i could get those in my ears…

  4. Dianna

    I would be delighted by either a purple sari or brass weighty earring things. Really, really fucking delighted, actually. And if you get the elephanty things for yourself I WANT TO SEE THEM!

  5. Dianna

    Wait, hang on, if you already got the original brass weighty things then my capital-letters wanting to see them applies to those as well. I want to see everything.

  6. michele

    we should have a viewing party JUST FOR ALL THE STUFF I BUY.

    just got back from the chinatown night market stall thing. holy shit. sooooo have to go back to that.

    i did buy the curly brass things. they’re like the same shape as the curly glass earrings that jolie and i (and possibly you) have. but then there’s bits sort of coming off them at both ends too. so like, the part which would actually be thru my hole is the right size, but there’s an offshoot of bronze at the end which makes the circumference too large for my ear. i did buy these dragons ones which i can attach wire to and hang from my holes. and probably, (let’s be honest) i’ll buy the elephant ones too. damn you, arab street and your wonderful goods.

  7. michele

    I proposed that she come up with a new murder mystery party set in India, preferably BOLLYWOOD. I think it could be brilliant. Then we can all wear our saris for a reason (but do they really need a reason?). I have yet to venture to little India or Arab street, but from all of Michele’s booty (her spoils, not her ass) I can’t wait to go.

  8. Dianna

    Wire? You’d better mean really thick wire, missy, or I’ll have to yell at you about the cheesecutter effect. Of course, you could always wear tunnels and thread the wire through the tunnels, and then nobody would have to yell at all. That’s probably best.

  9. Jolie

    eewwww, Dianna, ew.

    Michele, I hate shopping, and even I am excited about your booty. You’ll post pictures of the booty, right? So I can appreciate all the way in Maryland?

  10. michele

    dood, of course i meant thru the eyelets. i’m not crazy.

    um, pictures of the booty? sure! i should have taken a picture of all the saris when i had them flung across the bali day bed in my room.

    p.s. that last comment supposedly from me? actually from marina. this bollywood sari murder mystery plan? excellent.

    p.p.s. seriously guys, if you have any requests of anything you can think of that you might like, let me know. i’m perfectly happy to buy things and bring them back for you. for example kristen requested a chinese silk bag (3 for $6) and kim requested chinese silk pillowcases (3 for $6). (kim, currently i’ve gotten blue ones and green ones that look sort of…chinese/tibetan. they’ve got the same pattern in goldish/tan/cream designs. if you think you want a different color, let me know.)

    jacob, have you seen zatoichi? because it’s only $8 here on vcd. and i think brother, that other movie by him, is also $8. and…you know, your birthday is coming up.

  11. Jolie

    if you go back to buy those brass weighty elephant earings, i would be excited about those too! i don’t need elephants in particular. just fun brass weighty earings. you be the fun shopping judge on the specifics. =)

  12. michele

    mmm. they didn’t have that many. they had the elephant ones, the swirly ones which i already bought and one other pair which i couldn’t quite tell what the animal was. but, that WAS only one shop on arab st., there might be others with similar items. i will check it out. we’re going back to mustafa’s for saris tomorrow and back to arab st for a bit before going to sentosa island to play with the pink dolphins. today was chinese garden, bird park, and this incredible dragon kilns pottery place out in the middle of nowhere/jurong. oh jurong.

  13. Dianna

    Requests? Tea. I cannot help but think that there has to be interesting tea in Singapore. Er, but also take some time to do the stuff on your list in addition to shopping for us all.

    And, since I’m clearly the crazy one around here who was thinking of hanging wire from people’s ears without tunnels to protect them, I give you 999 apologies for doubting you.

  14. brain green

    Saris for meat? I’ll give you tomorrow’s 500 meat allotment for a green sari…plus the cost in usd, of course. This 6 yards of sari fabric is enough to make curtains out of, right? Dark or deep green would be fantastic, but some kind of blue would be nice, too. Hell, surprise me.

    On reread: I hope I’m not way too late here. Michele, how do you have enough money to buy wrappable dresses for all of us?

  15. Dianna

    No, no, I will give you meat. Or I could give you cocktails? Maybe I’ll do that! I bought myself a cocktailcrafting kit and it’s fantastic. Sean said my Salty Dog was delicious; my extra-spicy Bloody Mary was also quite good, if I may say so myself.

    I’ll make you something nice.

  16. michele

    damn you brian danny. i just bought 8 more saris (bringing me up to a total of 14. ummm… how do you feel about blue and cream wherein the blue looks kind of like tie dye? seriously, it’s very pretty. you can decide when you see it.

    oh, and it’s actually 6 METRES, not yards. sooo i don’t know what that means. marina’s mom says it’s 6.6 yards. but it’s def more than enough for curtains.

  17. brain green

    Sweet. I’ll take the tie-dye berkeley tribute. “My friend went to Singapore and all I got was this Cal blanket.”

    No, really, that sounds perfect. How can I EFT the meat to your account? Sell me a worthless trinket for 500 meat.

    And Dianna: I bet my extra-spicy bloody mary beats you extra-spicy bloody mary anyday.

  18. Kim

    Michele!! I haven’t checked your weblog for a couple of days so I didn’t see that I was supposed to provide feedback. The pillowcases sound awesome! How many more exclamation points can I use?!!!!??!?!?!?!?!?

  19. michele

    BD, would you rather have a dark blue one with this sort of…sea foam green center? it’s pretty too.

    or, hm, i just noticed that kristen asked for a pink or red one and currently i have her a dark blue one with a bright blue center. though i do also have a reddish pink one which i was going to keep for myself. but maybe if she really likes it more i will have the dark blue/bright blue one available for you, BD.

    ok, basically i have to say that i’m kind of coming home with a sari shop here people. though i don’t have the little shirts. you can make the little shirts out of your sari fabric though. most of them have enough extra fabric for that.

    oh and dianna, you are getting this awesome wine rust with dark coral center one instead of purple. it’s beautiful too. though i do have a purple one which i was going to keep for me, which i will maybe be willing to trade you for if you like it loads better. jolie’s is green with a burgandy border. and erica, your’s is cream and light blue. and all of them except jolie’s are the $18 ones, jolie’s is like…$17.

  20. Jolie

    Michele, I love you a bazillion. A bazillion plus a cotillion.

    Marina, how come you’re so quiet over there in Singapore? What kinds of booty will you be bringing home?

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