August 6, 2004 by

spitting frustrated


Categories: General

i just accidentally deleted a whole 256 card of pictures. it wasn’t all the way full, but still, like 110 pictures or something. of sentosa island (butterflies, pink dolphins, the magic light fountain show, the merlion, the cable car ride 36 stories in the air pictures, the singapore zoo including monkeys, more butterflies, otters, penguins, bears, leopards, marina, etc. and some from the night safari including a serval jumping for things and marina petting a bitarong. crap! and the picture of a sign which said ‘door cock’ for jason. shit shit shit.


fuck, i hate digital cameras.

11 Responses to spitting frustrated

  1. michele

    it’s ok. i just checked and apparently the ‘door cock’ picture was on the other card. thank god.

    so now i’m not sure what i’ve lost. pink dolphins def. and some butterflies. especially the black and white ones. and a lot of zoo i guess. and the merlion at night. which was crap anyway as it was too dark. i am very sad about the loss of the trained otter who recycled though. i made a little movie of him picking up cans and putting them in the right trash can. and marina and the bitarong. because how often do you get to see that shit? it’s a bitarong for fuck’s sake. there must be something else that i’m missing. i couldn’t have taken that many pictures just of the zoo. i’ve still got the polar bear ones. oh, the lion AND the upside down bat sticking their tongues out at me. those are gone. and the fancy baboon ass that looked like it had a ball of cotton candy on top. but marina took one of those. and she got some of the bats and lions (not with tongue though). and the aquarium on sentosa. and my duck friend. and marina next to the wood bucktooth boy.

    this is a sad, sad recitation. but i want you all to know what you’re missing out on. and i like to give myself a little written history of what i no longer have except in the form of mental images.

    i’m sorry i can’t launch your model career with that bucktooth boy photo, marina. i knew from the beginning it wasn’t fated to be though. beautiful smile or not.

  2. michele

    no, it was the format button. which is right under the delete button and i was going thru deleting individ pictures on the card to make room for tomorrow’s picture taking and somehow accidentally hit the format button instead and it automatically reformatted the card and erased everything.

  3. michele

    can’t. sorry. it’s a…mammal. with a long, thin tail which it uses to hang from things like trees and vines. it’s got long shaggy black/brown hair which isn’t very soft. it has a pink tongue which it panted at me. s/he liked me. soooo cute. sort of like a monkey and sort of like a large raccoon.

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