August 14, 2004 by

singapore in pictures


Categories: General

so the thing is that i uploaded all my pictures of singapore, but i did not create real captions for everything. i did divide all the pictures into mini sub-albums, as just dumping over 250 pictures on you seemed a little cruel. i won’t have time to create captions before i leave, also, by the time i get back i’ll have all of marina’s pictures to include on this. or maybe marina will give you a link to her photos here and you can see them before i get back. i’ll give you brief synopses of the sub-albums though. so you can sort of know where i was or what i was doing.

malaysia, we went here for one day. more like an afternoon sort of. since by the time we got over the border crossing (which was like hell in the heat department) it was like 2pm. all we did in malaysia is go to a mall. yes. a mall. anything was better tthan staying on the dirty, dirty streets with the open potentiality of pickpocketing around every corner. i should clarify, we were in malaysia, yes, but malaysia is big and we only went to the border town of johor which is big (one of the 3 biggest cities of malaysia i think), but still just one city. so when i speak of malaysia, i am only speaking of johor. for all i know, the rest of malaysia could be a paradise. we’ll find out when marina gets back as she was going to the island resort of palau tioman after i left singapore. um, anyway, in this mall there was a stage with singing people. after i took the video of the girls in bondage gear, more of them came out. about 4 more girls and 1 boy. and then they square danced. i am so apologetic not to have gotten a video of that. but i had no direct line of sight and the railings on the second floor were too crowded for me to get thru. square dancing. i swear. and then some aerobicizing. it was incredible. the grey building is a museum (we think) of sultan stuff. supposedly it is much like the keagy house and full of stuffed dead things. i’m glad we didn’t go in.

zoo/urong bird park/and really also the turtles at the chinese gardens: so if it’s a picture of birds then it was at the jurong bird park. in jurong. which we went to a lot, truth be told. (it’s a little north west of sinapore city, still in singapore). i kind of liked jurong. if it’s turtles, then it’s at the chinese gardens (also in jurong). if it’s a turtle with a pig snout, then it’s the pig-snout turtle who either really loved me or really hated me. everytime i got close to his cage, he would go hog-wild trying to get to me. little legs flailing, mouth snapping open and closed, banging up against the glass with his little pig snout. kissing or biting was the order of the day. and if it’s pictures of any other type of animal, then i’m at the singapore zoo. which i think was also in jurong. huh. polar bears are fuzzy and cute and their big back feet are adorable. the big guy would probably bite my head off though. monkeys wandered freely around the park. which was hell of cool.

temples: ehhhh, well if it’s crazy lots of people plastered all over a sort of pointy topped building, then it’s a hindu temple. there’s probably cows everywhere. if it’s…smaller and less crazy and has red chinese lanterns, or foo dogs in front, then it’s buddhist. and if it’s the gold and white domed one it’s the sultan mosque in the kampong glam/arab street area.

shopping is really just the dempsey street area of antique stores where marina’s mom wanted to buy some really expensive pieces of furniture or tibetan drums. this was the day after i deleted all those pictures so i was just taking pictures of anything to make up, basically. but i did want some of the stuff i took pictures of too. mostly the wooden thing with the bats.

sentosa island: if it’s an aerial view of something then i’m in the cable car thing riding like 36 stories above the ground in a tiny little swaying box. fuck, i’m brave. any aerial shots of run down dilapidated buildings are actually on sentosa island. it was part of a theme park attraction called ‘lost civilization’ or something. but that section of the park was closed. lame. the huge white statue thing is the merlion. singapore’s national mascot. head of a lion, body of a mer-creature. it’s patently ridiculous. but they seem very proud of it. at night it turned into a scary thing with laser eyeballs and had sparkly lights on it. both cheesy and even more absurd than it’s daylight facade. otherwise mostly in this album is tons and tons of pictures of butterflies. some alive in the butterfly enclosed park area, and some pinned in the antechambers. i’m contemplating a flight of butterflies tattoo thing, and i needed some really good examples, which is why the pictures. i lost quite a lot of them too in the deletion incident, along with pictures of the aquarium, the laser light show (much like disneyland’s) and the merlion at night. whoops.

river front walk: we went on a guided walking tour on the river front called ‘by the belly of the carp’ with a guide named geraldine. it was pretty awesome and included a bumboat ride. so lots of pictures of this bend (that from above looks like the belly of a carp) of the singapore river. life-blood of the city and all that. huge feng shui thing for the businesses right there because of the water properties and the wind coming in from the bay bringing money and good fortune and all that. also some statues (singapore decided it needed more art so as to be a more beautiful city to look at, and they commissioned art like crazy and had huge celebrating artistic vision grants and stuff. again with the improvements which they decide on and then actually accomplish. not that the huge fat chicken baby statue is really ‘art’ in my opinion.)

national day parade: it’s a huge deal. fireworks, singing, wierd displays of people dressed up like flowers. confetti explosions at the end. it was great. and we got those fun packs. which seriously were full of fun. you’ll get reverse pictures of me with a nokia flashlight phone in my hat when marina’s pictures are up too. though not me singing along to the ‘home’ song. thank god. she didn’t get a picture of that.

asian art museum: not being able to use a flash posed some problems. but some cool stuff none the less. make sure to watch the videos as there’s one of me putting on a puppet show.

misc: ah, the misc album. well….it’s got pictures of the raffles hotel (peanut shells thrown on the floor!) and of jumbo’s where we ate chili crab and yam flour encrusted scallops (i moan with delight even at the memory of those things). one tree hill road signs for christine, views from my bedroom window, playing with sarees, door cock for jason, fountain of good fortune, and huge japanese kimono kites at the conrad continental hotel.

gardens: is predominently the singapore national orchid gallery at the botanic gardens. but there’s some of the chinese gardens out in jurong too. all right, just the last 3 are at the chinese gardens. my camera ran out of battery juice then and i couldn’t take any more of the bonsai collection. marina did though, so we’ll see those eventually.

chinatown: finally, lastly, we have chinatown. where i got the henna tattoo done on my hand, and there was a gay pride flag hanging. chinatown was wicked awesome at night with the hawker stalls and the fun, cheap things to buy.

12 Responses to singapore in pictures

  1. Dianna

    One… tree… hill?



    I did it. I looked at every single picture. Actually, I didn’t, because when I came back to this page I realized there were two more galleries I didn’t even see. Damnit. Nose back to the grindstone for me.

  2. Dianna

    All right, now I’m done looking. For a first pass, anyway.

    I’m shocked by how much of what I’m seeing looks, generally, pretty normal to me (with the notable exception of the Hindu temple). I always kind of expect that when people go off traveling they’re going to find some kind of alternate universe where absolutely nothing is remotely similar to anything I’ve ever seen before. But here you come back with pictures where all the people walk on two legs and the streets look like streets. I’m having a certain amount of trouble fitting this into my worldview.

  3. michele

    they drive on the other side of the street.

    but yeah, mcdonalds abounded. and burger king. even domino’s and subway sandwiches. they put octopi on the pizzas though and there was this taco salad thing with meatballs in it. but mostly everything just looked like skyscrapers and department stores. the main difference was that you could be somewhere and be the only white person in sight. this happened to me frequently. cause, you know, marina doesn’t count.

    U2? one tree hill is the name of a terrible show on the WB that christine and i watched.

  4. jason s

    My favorite is the picture of the JUMBO seafood sign. No cultural difference indeed, Dianna. They like to eat a really lot of seafood.

    And that lion’s head thing in the island place looked exactly like the MGM Grand’s lion’s head! So,well, I guess Singapore and America are pretty much the same.

  5. jason s

    And those temple designs were totally stolen from Grauman’s Chinese Theater in LA. God, Singapore, come up with something on your own. Then maybe people will like you.

  6. marina

    honestly, i would say singapore is more like the occident than the orient in many ways. so suck on that.

    michele, suck it…just suck it 🙂

  7. rachel

    visited singapore recently too. unbelievably modern city. many of the religious buildings including chinese temples have been there since the 1800s. my favourite is thian hock keng temple. jason- your temple comment is a bit like claiming japan stole designs from LA’s little tokyo. the majority of singaporeans are chinese for gawd’s sake!

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