October 24, 2005 by



Categories: General

recently i got an email from a teacher at USF asking me to give a 1.5 hour lecture on anime on campus. in return for this generous chunk of my oh-so-valuable time, i would be reimbursed to the tune of 250 DOLLARS. my response to this, obviously, was terror and greed. public speaking? cash money?

cash money won out. so on november 7th i’ll be giving a (theoretically) well-attended event at my alma mater. and i just talked to the teacher and he explained that it’s not really so much about me lecturing as it is about me introducing video clips and playing them. he said if it’s a really gripping story i could show up to 30 minutes worth of video in one fell swoop. i will hardly have to talk at all! for $250! this is awesome!

8 Responses to $250

  1. nuala

    How do you come across these things? And what is the point of the lecture if you’re just showing clips. Do the clips have to have a theme? Do they have to prove a point? I am so fascinated by this.

  2. michele

    i come across these things by first becoming known as the freak fanatic anime girl. i accomplish this by writing several papers on anime for grad school classes and giving presentations including anime.

    the point is to interest undeclared majors in the undergrad asian studies program which is in its first year at USF. the director of the new program is a teacher i had while i went there.

    i am going to be introducing themes and tying them together, yes. so, much like my undergrad honors thesis presentation i can talk about education, nuclear energy, feminism and then show videos that encompass those themes. my newest interests that i’ve written papers on are homosexuality and adoption, so i can talk about those too. somehow i’ll probably try to work in bleach and naruto too as they’re the newest big shows to come out of japan. bleach displays the latest trend in anime about shinigami (death gods). and naruto is…well, ninjas.

  3. michele

    1: OMG! he would be so cute as a death god!

    2: yeah, civilians can attend! though i’m not sure you’ll really want to unless you really like anime since watching anime and listening to me talk about anime are two very different things. i think listening to me talk about it is actually more interesting than being forced to sit through me making you watch all my favorite shows. which already is becoming a problem for me because of course i have to show the classics, but also i want to show all these other shows that i love and how can i do this all in an hour and a half? i’ve been known to watch anime for 12 straight hours. can i force people to stay in the room with me for that long?

    to be honest though, i’ll probably get too over-excited at finally being able to talk about something i love so much to a captive audience and i’ll talk too much, so it will be more like me lecturing about it than just showing videos.

    in any event there will be free food though, so that’s a bright note. and i welcome people i know coming because then i can look at you instead of scary strangers and make jokes. as for the time…well i don’t know. i’m pretty sure it’ll be a 6pm/7pm thing. that’s when these things usually are. and it’ll be monday november 7th or november 8th. the teacher should be emailing me with a confirmed room location, date, and time this week. so i’ll let you know.

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