this week, ellie and i have been communicating solely by means of monk-e-mail. this is a somewhat arduous and time-consuming practice wherein we get an email with a link, follow the link, listen to what the monkey has to tell us, laugh, build our own monk-e-mail, preview it, laugh, send it, wait. this goes on every day. it’s gotten to the point where it’s so absurd that i had to share it. though not only am i sharing my own (perhaps inane) monkey conversations with you, but also the ability to now send your own, no doubt brilliant, monk-e-mails.

monk-e-mail is almost entirely amusing only because it’s based on a monkey saying what you type down out loud. this lends itself amazingly well to typing words like, “penis”, “cum,” and “nipple stimulation”. that last was one of ellie’s more brilliant inventions. but now we’re past that kind of juvenile behavior and into a more mature style. proceeding below you can listen to some of our most recent conversations about the new house she’s moving to in el sobrante. which we refer to, affectionately no doubt, as “the sob”.



since these will only last a finite amount of time as links, i’ll provide the text transcription after the jump.

ellie: “you know, my father used to work with llamas. he said that they spit at him. mean llamas. i am starting to get excited about the house. but still sobbing about that damn el sob, oh sob sob.”

michele: “a llama spit at me once. i threw down on it, el sob style. that made it sob. it was sobbing and sobbing and drooling green llama drool all over. i would have felt bad. but it was a llama.