July 21, 2006 by

and if not yet, then yet again, and still–you, too, shall fall

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Categories: General

ellie, tyler and i perch on the pool steps, sitting on our bums. tyler might say, “i’m sitting on my backside!”, but we don’t know why he talks all prudish proper like that. it’s a butt, and i’ll thank you to say it. popsicle juices are melting all over tyler’s frontside and dripping onto his chubby baby thighs. i am laughing, perhaps because i pawned off the dreaded orange flavor on him with him too young to notice my deceit; perhaps because he’s instructing me on how to eat a popsicle with chubby baby fingers pointing at the frozen treat and my mouth; or perhaps because it’s sunny and warm and my feet are in a pool while friends sit at my side. ellie sums it up, “life is good.”

life is even better today as i checked into my san jose state account and have, in the night, mysteriously been awarded a full grant to cover tuition costs for the whole first year of school. not, admittedly to cover the state school fees of absurdity–there’s an $8 fee for child care, do i have a child? no–but that still only adds up to $450. for a whole year! my mom, possibly, is more thrilled than me as she will be the one actually saving money.

as ellie and tyler left yesterday, tyler spoke to the molly dog in a wheedling tone of pure deviltry, “hi sweetie. do you love me, molly? i love you. thanks for the good times, molly.”

life IS good. today. and yesterday. and many other days to come and go away.

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