December 29, 2006 by

the happy, golden days


Categories: General

following upon the unstoppable success of superfreaks and fjords!: the musical, a gang of talented writers are hard at work on a new script. i don’t want to give away any of the top-secret details, but suffice it to say that it’s about old people. which, trust me, leads to many funny jokes about incontinence and model trains. not necessarily in that order.

recently, i read a book entitled grooves. it wasn’t very good. however, there was this relatively brilliant passage about a television show.

My favorite television show is about a retired barbarian named Yor who is living out his old age in sunny Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Yor carries a sword and a crossbow on his back, and he wears a helmet with two big horns sticking out of it, but other than that he is just a regular retired guy. Occasionally a villain from his past will show up to do battle with him, but usually he just plays shuffleboard with his buddy Rudy. At the end of every episode he sits by a pond and tosses bread crumbs to the ducks. The show is called ‘The Happy, Golden Days of Yor’.

i’m just saying, maybe we could write in a character named Yorina or something. i could totally get behind the slightly delusional female barbarian character. old people PLUS red sonja!

3 Responses to the happy, golden days

  1. didofoot

    I don’t know about having just one barbarian character, but now I kind of just want to make The Golden Days of Yor and scrap this other idea. (Don’t worry, I’ll get over it.)

  2. michele

    if you write a script for ‘yor’, i would help film it, kristen. there was some other television show the book described too, but i don’t remember it and i already turned it in. i suppose i could go find it again. the television shows were like the best part.

    damn, jason, there was this whole joke built around depends (TM). annnnd…i’m sure there were some other ones in my ntoes.

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