March 23, 2007 by

SPOILER “and if you watch battlestar galactica, you are a nerd.” SPOILER


Categories: General





i’ve become obsessed with SCIFI channel shows. i downloaded and watched almost 3 seasons of battlestar galactica (BSG) and then netflixed season 2 of stargate atlantis and downloaded season 3. i had just started getting over the horror of BSG killing off one of my favorite characters (kara thrace) and was going to finish watching season 3 of it when they killed off carson beckett in SA. WHY must they kill people off? it’s fucking retarded. they are replacing beckett with jewel staite (from firefly) but that’s not healing my sorrow!

i am a sorrowful nerd!


11 Responses to SPOILER “and if you watch battlestar galactica, you are a nerd.” SPOILER

  1. Dianna

    Hey! Hey! Fucker! Spoiler! I may not have watched any BSG since Season One but damnit, I was going to and now you’re spoilinnnnngnggggg everythiiiiinnnngggggggngfkjsdh!

  2. michele

    hmph. you’re better off knowing now. now you don’t have to watch it. i was so upset i stopped watching it for like 2 weeks. also though you should take into account that the actress is contracted for 5 seasons, was killed in season 3, AND it’s a scifi show. she’s almost certainly coming back somehow. maybe she’s one of the 5. i doubt it, but maybe she ejected and leoben picked her up. i don’t know, i stopped watching. (well, i know she doesn’t come back in season 3 anyway since i read up on it after the horror, but maybe next season.)

  3. michele

    apparently i, along with the rest of the BSG fan club, spoke too soon. after viewing last night’s season 3 finale, i take back every mean frack i yelled. though i now have anger for their lying deceiving ways.

  4. nualam

    I kept the faith! I kept it and was rewarded! I freaking LOVE BSG!! Love it love it! They always get me at the last 3-4 episodes. They freaking rock.

    But there is a reason that I have started taping episodes and waiting until I have like 10 before I watch them. I don’t want to wait and I don’t want to tempt myself with the wait by trying to find out what’s going to happen. that ruins everything.

    course now that I’m caught up on BSG I have to wait till 2008! And I will be tempted to read rumors. sigh. What the hell is up with that! 2008! And who is number 5?! Who?!

    sorry I just finished the last episode 2 min ago….so excited.

  5. michele

    i’m not wholly convinced they’re the 4. and if they are then i really think kara might be 5. but all along the watchtower? seriously? dylan? SERIOUSLY? and WTF it’s FOUR horseman of the apocalypse anyway, what’s the fifth one for? the leader? leading them to earth? kara?

    man, that is one good show.

    you’ll appreciate this, i was watching the office and dwight says to this guy at a party:

    “do you watch battlestar galactica? no? then you are an idiot.”

    ha ha ha ha!!! maybe they did that just as an answer to the nerd one. admittedly this is not the first time they’ve mentioned BSG on the office. dwight also brought up alias once and i almost died with laughter.

    talking about hookers:

    dwight: “jennifer garner played one once on alias. it was one of her many aliases.”

    jim: (makes eye contact with the camera)

  6. nuala

    i’ll have to tell Garren about the office joke. He’ll get a kick out of it. Plus it gets back at him for laughing so hard at Colbert.

    I think the 5 have more to do with Herra than anything else. I mean in the dream thing. Baltar and Caprica 5 holding her with the 5 standing over them……Herra will be a catalyst for something soon I think….

    love this freaking show. I almost want to watch the original movie from the 70s to see how bad it is.

  7. michele

    caprica 6, you mean. maybe hera is the 5th? no, that is unlikely.

    and i know what you mean! i’m tempted to watch the old version too. starbuck’s a man in it!

    i’m telling you though, you need to watch stargate atlantis. seriously. especially since now we have so long to wait for more BSG. you can watch 3 seasons of SA while you wait! it’s so hilarious! and good! i love john sheppard!

    out of curiosity i am downloading another scifi channel show, “eureka”, to see if it’s any good. there’s only 13 episodes of it so far. i’ll let you know how it is.

    in conclusion: scifi channel, you complete me.

  8. nuala

    Dresden files isn’t bad. I think I missed the1st episode though, so I’m constantly going huh? I think I’ve managed to figure it out though. I’m not crazy for it yet though.

    I’ll have to try the Stargate Atlantis. Did you try SG1?

    I am a complete Science Fiction Nerd.

    Ooo also there is a new Robin Hood Series on BBC America. You might like that one. They’ve all got english accents (duh) and Robin is adorable and Marian is sassy.

  9. michele

    she is so sassy! and pretty. and allen is hot! he looks like will from alias a little BUT WITH A REAL ACCENT. and robin is adorable too. man, i love robin hood like you love superman, i was totally all up on that show already.

    SG1, i do not like. i tried to like it, but i mean it started, what? 10 years ago? so all the filming and effects are sort of stuck in the 90’s. they tried to update it all by adding those new aliens called asgardes, but i just don’t find it that intriguing. all the main characters seem older and less good looking than the atlantis ones (i am shallow). and mcguyver, sure, is sort of the SG1 john sheppard, but sheppard does dead-pan acting way better on SA. maybe i’d like it better if i started over at the beginning. i think i saw some when it first started in the 90’s and didn’t like it. and then i watched some from the 7th-10th seasons (sporadically) once i started watching SA, at which point everyone IS old cause they’ve been doing it for 7-10 years so that’s not quite fair. and it was sort of stagnant (cause it was old) and…yeah…i don’t know. i just don’t care enough to get into it, i guess.

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