March 28, 2007 by

impending baby explosion


Categories: General

last week i hung out with ellie, (her baby filled belly), and tyler. while sitting on her couch i flipped thru a babies r us catalog and eyeballed all the things i wanted to buy. not, of course, for myself since my belly is certainly not full of impregnating sperm, but for my brother who has knocked up his girlfriend. yes, that is right, i am going to be an aunt come october. i know there are not many family-minded individuals on CH. nor are there many people (that i know of) that are aunts/uncles. i’ve told some of my cousins who either are uncles or about to become uncles and we discussed the delights of not being parentals but getting to buy the love of these tiny new relatives. i am so excited to be the absolute best aunt ever to my niece or nephew. sure, i’m going to have to fight for this title with erin’s two sisters, but i don’t admit defeat easily!

my mom and i have already begun stock-piling for this baby explosion. i mean, first john and katherine will have isabella in april. a week later, ellie will have lucas. and then 6 months later, adam and erin will pop out their un-named, unknown gender baby. so far we have books, night-lights, and an antique crib. well, and a turtle whose shell has a constellation map that lights up on the ceiling, but i already gave that to ellie. i want to buy strollers, car seats, tiny baby clothes!, mobiles!, man i want to buy everything!

auntie michele. oh man.

6 Responses to impending baby explosion

  1. didofoot

    I like that the upcoming baby is meaningful to you because of the present buying opportunities. I feel the same way about Em’s kids — books! So many books I can introduce them too!

  2. jason s

    I am excited about all the new babies because it gives me the advantage in life over that many more people. You babymakers are suckers!

    Good to hear that your freaking out phase has given over to the “wait, babies are kind of like hairless kitties” phase.

  3. michele

    explain to me how it gives you the advantage in life, jason? who’s going to take care of you when you’re old? do you really want to end up stuck in the ball of twine room?

  4. Dianna

    How many old people actually wind up getting taken care of by their children anyway? The only person I know of is my grandmother, and she really kind of wishes her children would quit bullying her and leave her alone once in a while. So maybe Jason’s got a point.

  5. michele

    more importantly jason will have erica sitting on the porch with him yelling at punk hooligans in the rose bushes, jacob and he can yell at those same punks to seek gainful employment, and i’ll be happy to play in the ball of twine room with him.

    …i kind of wish we actually had a ball of twine room right now.

  6. jason s

    Somebody just told me about old people insurance where you pay for the security of having somebody take care of you when you can’t anymore. So much cheaper than having a child.

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