April 27, 2007 by

dear j.j.


Categories: General

don’t think i don’t know what you’re doing. they’re all dead? what about the last time you pulled this shit? was sidney dead season 2? or vaughn season 5? you are such a tease and this latest move is SOOOO typical of your inability to conduct straight story-telling. stop being such an ass, ass.

2 Responses to dear j.j.

  1. michele

    sidney is thought dead for 2 years but is really just undercover/thought to be brainwashed/having her ovaries removed for genetic experiments/is sad because her boyfriend got married to someone else. she eventually gets her brain overwritten to lose all memory of the 2 years and comes back from the dead/from china. vaughn is thought shot full of bullets and dead for most of a season but really is just hiding out in mongolia for no apparent reason. possibly he was brought back to life in some sarcophagus thing also. though possibly that was sidney’s mother. or someone else. sloane gets shot in the chest and doesn’t die, this is because he’s eaten some magical thing–maybe ambrosia. sidney’s mom dies a couple times. at least once it’s just a doppelganger. alias is a stupid, stupid show.

    i’m ok with the ‘land of the dead’ idea. or parallel universe. but trust me with j.j. it probably won’t be either of those. i’m willing to bet someone manufactured a fake flight 815 and dead people. or it could be a supernatural explanation but with j.j. you’ll never get a straight answer and things will get increasingly convoluted and wrap up very poorly.

    don’t get me wrong, i still like lost. though juliet’s face is starting to bug me. when she was in the jungle with sun asking about the last time she had sex? unpleasant. though the “i hate you” line at the end was pretty delightful and answers some of your snape/juliet comparisons.

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